Archive: Speakers
Abbate, Carolyn: In Praise of Unreal Sounds
Acocella, Joan: Vaslav Nijinsky and the Mad Genius Formulavideo
Acosta-Rodriguez, Fernando: Revolutionary Aesthetics and Graphic Solidarities
Adler, Christopher: Sacred Music for Piano
Affron, Matthew: Publishing Within and Beyond the University
Agyeman, Julian: Beyond Green Environmentalism
Ahima, MD, Rexford: Origins of Obesityvideo
Ahmed, Sabeen: Fanon Unbound:
Akhavan, Desiree: What Is Appropriate Behavior?video
Al Qasimi, Hoor: The Art of Migrationvideo
Alexander, Michelle: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindnessvideo
Ali, Tariq: Fanaticism, Belief, Empires
All Stars, Farid Barron: Philadelphia Zig Zag: New Jazz Legaciesvideo
Allen, Timothy: The Magic Circlevideo
Almallah, Ahmad: The Poetry of Migrationvideo
Almallah, Ahmad: Sumūd
Altegoer, Diana : Grant Writing Workshop
Anand, Nikhil: Muddy Waters: Reimagining Futures in Wet Asiavideo
Angier, Natalie: Woman- An Intimate Geography
Anonymous 4: Anonymous 4, with Mary Carruthers
Anonymous 4: Long Time Traveling
Appiah, Kwame: Cosmopolitanism
Applebaum, Jody: Word, Image, Music
Applebaum, Jody: The Music of Sleep and Dreams
Arango, Obed: Immigration: A Philadelphia Perspective
Atshan, Sa’ed: Queer in Translation
Atta, Abdulrahman: To Sing the Truth and Name the Liars
Badler, Norman: Really Virtual or Virtually Real?
Baird, Julianne: Origins of Musical Ornamentation
Balachandran, Sanchita: Divine and Ghostly Things: Debating the Care of Religious Relics at the Madras Government Museumvideo
Baldwin, Davarian: Community Justice & The Ivory Towervideo
Barber, Joseph: Use Your Voice! Self-Presentation and Connecting With Diverse Publics
Barberena, Carlos: Revolutionary Aesthetics and Graphic Solidarities
Barchi, Robert: Managing Time: The Aesthetics and Engineering of Early Watch Design
Barkan, Leonard: Satyr Squarevideo
Bashir, Shahzad : The Genealogical Prisonvideo
Bazemore, Dawn: Dancers' Choices, Choreographers' Choicesvideo
Bazemore, Dawn: Participatory Dance & Choreography Workshop on "Choice"
Beavers, Herman: Acts, Facts, and Artifacts: The Stuff of Black Culture
Beavers, Herman: Rivers that Feed Usvideo
Beavers, Herman: The Poetry of Migrationvideo
Bechdel, Alison: A Conversation with Alison Bechdel
Beckman, Ericka: Multiple Choice
Belkadhi, Nejib: VHS Kahloucha
Bennett, Herman: Violent Means
Berkowitz, Peter : A Discussion with Peter Berkowitz
Bermant, Gordon: The Psychology of Soul and Afterlife
Bernstein, Charles: PennSound Roundtable
Bernstein, Charles: Violence in Contemporary Art (Canceled)
Best, Stephen: New Ways of Readingvideo
Biggins , Walter : Publishing Workshop for Early Career Scholars
Black, Brian: Post-Carbon Futures in a Fact-Challenged Present
Blackbird, Eighth: Music for the Beginning of Time featuring George Crumb
Blankmeyer Burke, Teresa: Parent Choices, Language Choice, and Deaf Flourishingvideo
Bloom, Amy: Tragedy is Easy, Comedy is Hard, and Love is Damn Near Impossible
Blumenthal, Eileen: Puppets: The Original Avatars
Boddie, Stephanie: Remaking the Seventh Ward through Digital Mapping and Storytelling
Bol, Peter: Mapping Cultural History, Visualizing Cultural Information
Boquiren, Sidney: Sacred Music for Piano
Boraine, Alex: Belief in Democracy
Botstein, Leon: Leon Botstein: Style & Meaning in Music
Boyer, Pascal: Culture, Creativity, and Adaptationvideo
Brantz, Dorothee : Kinship Reloaded: Humans, Animals, and the Urbanvideo
Braverman, Louise: The Domains of Sleep
Brider, Tsvey : Children of the Ghetto + Black Shul (EVENT CANCELED)
Brown, Bill: Re-Stuffing Theory, Re-Thinking Assemblagevideo
Brown, Carmel: Mental Health and Abolition
Browne, Jyana: The Afterlives of Love Suicide from Osaka’s Riverbanks to the National Theatre
Brownlee, David: Monuments and Memory
Brownlee, David: Philadelphia Architecture
Bruhns Alonso, Cosette : Demystifying Book Proposals and Publishing Workshop
Bryant, Ritchie: Think Me Nuthing? Raising Awareness of the Black Deaf Communityvideo
Bryda, Greg: Wölff: Art at Your Fingertips
Buckey, M.D., Jay: Space-Lag
Bujon, Hugo: Fanon Unbound:
Burke-White, William: The Humanities and The Global
Buruma, Ian: The Rise and Fall of European Multiculturalismvideo
Bushnell, Rebecca: Human and Garden Natures
Campbell, Jacquelyn: Gender-Based Violence in a Global Framevideo
Caplan, Arthur: Will the Re-Engineering of Human Beings Re-Engineer Human Nature?
Caplan, Jane: Flesh Made Word
Carreiro, Linda: Histos: Anatomical Devices and Corporeal Texts
Carruthers, Mary: Anonymous 4, with Mary Carruthers
Carson, Anne: Cassandra Float Can
Casañas, Betsy: Public Artvideo
Castle, Terry: “No, I’m Not a Woman—I’m a Not-A-Woman”
Catts, Oron: Killing Flesh? Can the Semi-Living Die?video
Causer, Tim: Crowdsourcing and the Rise of the Volunteer Humanistvideo
Caws, Mary Ann: An Affair of Tastevideo
Cederman, Lars-Erik: Inequality and Violencevideo
Chakrabarty, Dipesh: Magic and the Problem of Belief in Subaltern History
Chamoiseau, Patrick: Biguine and the Music of Liberation
Chang-Muy, Fernando: Flee
Charon, MD, PhD, Rita: Storytelling and Imaging in Medical Diagnosis
Chattopadhyay, Swati: Urban Itineraries and Peripheral Spacesvideo
Cheney, Dorothy: The Social Knowledge of Monkeys and Apesvideo
Chicago, Judy: Judy Chicago: The Style of Judy Chicago
Chow, Rey: Documentary Realism Between Cultures
Chukhrov, Keti: From Revolution to Catastrophe
Clement, Tanya: Approaching the Audio Archivevideo
Cloutier, Jean-Christophe: The Photographic Collaborations of Richard Wright, Ralph Ellison, and Gordon Parks
Cloutier, Jean-Christophe: Kerouac in Translation, Kerouac in Diaspora
Cohen, Daniel: Urban Life in the Era of Climate Changevideo
Cohen, David: Hyperattention
Cohen, Richard: The Wandering Jewvideo
Cole, Teju: Known and Strange Things
Coleman, Nicole: Libraries, Labs, and Classroomsvideo
Conn, Peter: Bestsellersvideo
Cooper, Abby: Pedagogies and Projects
Cordell, Ryan: Visualizing Literacy and Historical Networks with Gephi
Cordell, Ryan: Viral Texts and the Technologies of Authorshipvideo
Cornejo, Kency: Revolutionary Aesthetics and Graphic Solidarities
Cornel, Tabea: Large Scale Text Analysis
Cort, Robert: Movies: America's Secular Religion
Crawford, Ilse: Design and the Stuff of Everyday Lifevideo
Crispell, Marilyn: Improvisation
Crosby, Christina: A Body, Undone: Living On After Great Pain
Crystal, David: Englishes Past, Present, and Future
Daedalus Quartet: Spiritual Journey
Daedalus Quartet: Music and Migration (EVENT CANCELED)
Daedalus Quartet: Music from Exilevideo
Daedalus Quartet: Lyricism in Babel
Daedalus Quartet: Beethoven's Opus 131
Daedalus Quartet: The Unfolding of Composition
Danticat, Edwidge: Death, Writing, Race, and Freedom
Danto, Arthur: Arthur Danto: Three Brillo boxes
Dardashti, Galeet : American Jewish Musical Enounters
Darnton, Robert: Transgressions in Print
Daston, Lorraine: Nature's Revengevideo
Davenport, Christian: Indian Untouchabilityvideo
Dawn, Concordian: From the Outer Spheres to the Inner Senses
Dawson, Ashley: Urban Life in the Era of Climate Changevideo
De Landa, Manuel: Origins of Artificial Intelligencevideo
Deacon, Terrence: The Non-Adaptive Origins of Languagevideo
Della Zazzera, Elizabeth: What I Learned at Camp
Deslauriers, Guy: Biguine and the Music of Liberation
Dial, Minter: Being Your Full Self
Díaz, Junot: On the Caribbean Periphery of American Letters
Dickinson, Sara: Dashkova's Grand Tourvideo
Diggs, LaTasha : An Evening of Poetry and Discussion with LaTasha Diggs
Diller, Adam: Documenting Nuclear Afterlivesvideo
Dillon, Emma: The Look of the Voice
Dinges, David: Modern Humans at the Boundary of Sleep and Waking
Dohrmann, Natalie: Publishing Within and Beyond the University
Dolan, Emily: Orphic and Metamorphic
Doniger, Wendy: Sex and Jewelry in Cross-Cultural Mythology
Douglas, Ann: Kerouac in Translation, Kerouac in Diaspora
Doyle, Richard: Values of Colorvideo
Drucker, Johanna: Virtual Codex
Duara, Prasenjit: Muddy Waters: Reimagining Futures in Wet Asiavideo
Dukhan, N.: Secrets of the Line: Arabic and Islamic Calligraphy
Durham Peters, John: Weathering the Environments of Modernity
Dyson, Torkwase: Values of Colorvideo
Eagleman, David: The Kaledioscopic Brain of Synesthesia
Eck, Stephen: Will the Re-Engineering of Human Beings Re-Engineer Human Nature?
Edwards, Terra: Language for a Protactile World
Eire, Carlos: The Legacy of the Reformation after 500 Years
El Barouni, Radwa: VHS Kahloucha
El Guabli, Brahim: Amazigh Poeticsvideo
ElGendy, Abdelrahman: To Sing the Truth and Name the Liars
Elgrably, Jordan: Sumūd
Elias, Jamal: The Genealogical Prisonvideo
Elias, Jamal: Heritage as Poltergeistvideo
Elias, Jamal: A Woman's Voice is Revolutionvideo
Elliott, Dyan: The Corrupter of Boys
Emanuel, Ezekial: The Ethics of American Health Care
Endersby, Jim: Darwin, Hooker, and Empirevideo
Eng, David: Choice in the Time of a Pandemicvideo
Eng, David: Teaching Race: A Roundtable
English, James: The Digital Humanities in Research and Scholarship
English, James: Digital Humanities 101
Epstein, Helen: Politics and Pandemics
Epstein, Steven: Living in the Era of Sexual Healthvideo
Esty, Jed: The Writer's Palette
Eusebio, Amy: Immigration: A Philadelphia Perspective
Faderman, Lillian: A 70-Year Struggle: The History of the Battle for LGBT Civil Rights
Fakhreddine, Huda: Sumūd
Fakhreddine, Huda: Poetry and Global Justice
Farris Thompson, Robert: Belief and Beauty
Favro, Diane: Building a Digital Ancient Rome Bit by Bytevideo
Feaster, Patrick: Approaching the Audio Archivevideo
Feierman, Steven : Medicine at the Marginsvideo
Fernández-Armesto, Felipe: What Is History Now?
Ferreira, Roquinaldo : Kinship at the Heart of Slavery (EVENT CANCELED)
Filreis, Al: PennSound Roundtable
Finn, Robert: A Conversation with Orhan Pamuk
Fleetwood, Nicole: Values of Colorvideo
Foreman, Gabrielle: Sankofa Imperatives, Black Women, and the Archival Turn
Foreman, Richard: Experimental Ontological-Hysteric Theatervideo
Fornoff, Carolyn: Large Scale Text Analysis
Fraas, Mitch: Digital Humanities 101
Fraas, Mitch: The Digital Humanities in Research and Scholarship
Fraistat, Neil: Libraries, Labs, and Classroomsvideo
Fraser, J.T.: Time Felt, Time Understood
Frazier, Chelsea : (Re)Constitutions of Choice
Frazier, Chelsea : Terra/Forms of Choice
Freeman, James: What is the Philadelphia Sound?
Fried, Michael: Jeff Wall, Wittgenstein, and the Everyday
Friedman, Harvey: Medicine at the Marginsvideo
Friedrich, Su: I Cannot Tell You How I Feel
Frischer, Bernard: Recovering Polychromy in the Statues of Hadrian's Villavideo
Fuhrmann, Arnika: “For Tomorrow For Tonight”: Thai Cinema and the Expansion of Queer Politics (EVENT CANCELED)
Gadsden, Amy: The Humanities and The Global
Garcia, Jorge : Ideologies and Materialities of Choice
Garcia, Jorge : (Re)Constitutions of Choice
Garraway, Doris: Dead Letters
Garreau, Joel: The Santa Fe-ing of America?video
Gazzoni, Andrea: Digital Humanities In and Beyond the Classroom
George, Abosede: What Kids Can't Do: Youth, Historical Agency, and Authorityvideo
Gepts, Paul: The Impact of Human Travel on Agriculturevideo
Geschiere, Peter: Witchcraft and Contemporary Africa
Ghawanmeh, Mohannad: Immigration: A Philadelphia Perspective
Ghosh, Amitav: Beyond the End of the World: Human and Non-human After the Collapse of ‘Civilization’
Gil-Riaño, Sebastián : Teaching Race: A Roundtable
Gitlin, Todd: The Pathos of Chosenness: Who are the Jews if not Exceptional?video
Goh, Irving: “The Problem of Failure”
Golden, Charles: Time Among the Maya
Golden, Jane: Public Artvideo
Golden, Jane: Philadelphia Mural Art
Goldhill, Simon: A Very Queer Family Indeedvideo
Goldstone, Andrew: Topic Modeling and the Sociology of Literature
Gonzales, Roberto : DACA and the Limits of Citizenshipvideo
Gordin, Michael: Speaking Utopian
Gotkin, Kevin: Digital Humanities Winter Institute Talk-Back and Skills Sharing Workshop
Gotkin, Kevin: What I Learned at Camp
Gottlieb, Alma: The Afterlives of Babies: A View from West Africavideo
Grafton, Anthony: Renaissance Romans and Egyptian Obelisks
Grafton, Anthony: Books and the Magus
Grafton, Anthony: The Organization Professor?
Greenblatt, Stephen: Cultural Mobility
Greenhouse, Linda: The Past and Future of Reproductive Choicevideo
Greenwald, Brian: Deaf Humanities
Greenwald, Brian: Our Historical Memory: The National Deaf-Mute College and Alexander Graham Bell
Grey, Stuart: A History of Space Debrisvideo
Griffin, Farah Jasmine: New Shades of Bluevideo
Grossman, MD, EdD, Murray: Storytelling and Imaging in Medical Diagnosis
Guerrero, Alex: Lottocracy: A New Kind of Democracyvideo
Gunning, Tom: The Discovery of Virtual Movementvideo
Guyer, Jane: Peripheral Visionsvideo
Hahn, Steven: Before King's Dream
Halasa, Malu: Sumūd
Hall, Edith: The Ancient Greeks and the Future of the Human Racevideo
Hall Jamieson, Kathleen: The Deflective Power of Images in Political Ads
Hamelin, Marc-André : Word, Image, Music
Hamelin, Marc-André : The Music of Sleep and Dreams
Hamilton, Ann: Artist's Talk
Hansen, James: Can Scientists (Not) Be Activists?video
Harkins, H. James: Sacred Music for Piano
Harper, Corey: Research on a Global Scale
Harrelson, Erin: #deaftravel: An Ethnography of Deaf Tourist Mobilities
Harvey, David: The End of Capitalism?video
Hass, Larry: The Pleasures of Magic and Foolery
Hayat, Maira: Muddy Waters: Reimagining Futures in Wet Asiavideo
Hayles, N. Katherine: Why We Are (Still) Posthumanvideo
Hayot, Eric: Peripheral Visionsvideo
Hendrickson, Paul: Sons of Mississippi: A Story of Race and Its Legacy
Hendrickson, Paul: Hemingway's Boatvideo
Henner, Jon: Variability is the Spice of Life
Herion, Troy: Excerpts from A Period of Animate Existence
Hershatter, Gail : Collectivizing Kinship
Hilal, Moshtari: Ugliness
Hill , Joseph: The Past, Present, and Future of Black ASL
Hillier, Amy: Public Artvideo
Hillier, Amy: Remaking the Seventh Ward through Digital Mapping and Storytelling
Hirsch, Edward: Edward Hirsch: Styles of Love Poetry
Hoffman, Allison : Rethinking the Value of Individual Choicevideo
Hoffmann, Roald: The Allure of Indigovideo
Hofstadter, Douglas: The Deep Interconnectedness of Human Soulsvideo
Hollinger, Eric: Repatriating Tribal Objects in the Digital Agevideo
Holmes, Maori: Use Your Voice! Self-Presentation and Connecting With Diverse Publics
Holtz, Dani: Pedagogies and Projects
Holzer, Jenny: Public Art
Holzman, Alex: Publishing for Early Career Faculty and Graduate Students
Hope, Jonathan: Visualizing English Print
Horton, Ben: Climate Warsvideo
Houston, Stephen: Time Among the Maya
Hoyt, Eric: Variety's Transformations
Hudson, Andrew: Digital Humanities Research Tools
Hui Kyong Chun, Wendy: Segregation: The Stuff Social Media is Made Ofvideo
Hunt, John: Human and Garden Natures
Hunter, Michael: A Chat with a Digital Sinologist
Hyde, Lewis: Benjamin Franklin and the Liberty to Communicatevideo
Jablonski, Nina: The Colors of Human Skinvideo
Jacob, Margaret: Freemasonry
Jakobsen, Janet: A Body, Undone: Living On After Great Pain
Jamieson, Dale: Climate Changevideo
Janzen, Daniel: Beautiful Sciencevideo
Jencks, Charles: The Revenge of the Book!
Jenkins, Henry: Comic Books and Convergence
Jockers, Matthew: A Computational Morphology of Plot
Johnson, Jasmine: Dancers' Choices, Choreographers' Choicesvideo
Johnson, Jeremy: Lenapehokingvideo
Johnstone, Ama : Terra/Forms of Choice
Johnstone, Ama : (Re)Constitutions of Choice
Jones, Feminista: Talking Back: A Sex Positive Conversation about Black Female Sexuality
Jones, Leslie: Digital Humanities Research Tools
Jones, Peter Lloyd: Design and Nonlinear Systems Biology: LabStudiovideo
Jones-Correa, Michael : The End of Asylumvideo
Judson, Olivia: Time Travel Safari
Kallberg, Jeffrey: The Humanities and The Global
Kallberg, Jeffrey: Time's Potential
Kansa, Eric: Research on a Global Scale
Karjoo, Behnaz: Word, Ink, Gold, and Paper
Kassabian, Deke: The Magic Circlevideo
Kauffman, Deborah: Town Destroyer
Kauffman, Stuart: Reinventing the Sacredvideo
Kay, Sarah: From the Outer Spheres to the Inner Senses
Kearns, Michael: The Ethical Algorithm and the Future of Choicevideo
Kearns, Michael: Social Networks and Strategic Behaviorvideo
Khullar, Sonal : The Art of Migrationvideo
Kia, Mana: Redefining the Political: Persianate Sociability and its States
Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, Barbara: Old Histories, New Itineraries
Klein, Lauren: Data Visualisation in Research and in Teaching
Knapp, Christine : Post-Carbon Futures in a Fact-Challenged Present
Knight Steele, Catherine: Doing Digital Humanities with Radical Intentionality
Kotlova, Sarah: The Future of Digitalvideo
Kun, Josh : American Jewish Musical Enounters
Kunzel, Regina: In Treatment: Psychiatry and the Archives of Modern Sexuality
Kusukawa, Sachiko: Copying as Translation: Direct Observation vs. Copied Scientific Illustrationsvideo
Kwak, Nancy : Ideologies and Materialities of Choice
Kwak, Nancy : (Re)Constitutions of Choice
Kwon, Heonik : Ideologies and Materialities of Choice
Kwon, Heonik : (Re)Constitutions of Choice
Labov, William: Language Change in Americavideo
Labridy, Corine: Biguine and the Music of Liberation
Labridy, Corine: Imag(in)ing Revolutions
LaDue, Emily: Digital Humanities Winter Institute Talk-Back and Skills Sharing Workshop
LaDuke, Winona: Endangered Native Languages, Lands, and Natural Resourcesvideo
Landes, David: Revolution in Time
Lattanzi, Gregory: Lenapehokingvideo
Lear, Jonathan: The Ethics of Dream Interpretation
Lear, Jonathan: Psychoanalysis and the I-Thou Relation
Lear, Jonathan: Subjectivity, Irony and Belief
Lehmann, Chris: A Rebirth of Literatures
Leja, Michael: Grant Writing Workshop
Lemieux, Jamilah: Talking Back: A Sex Positive Conversation about Black Female Sexuality
Lesser, Zachary: Shakespeare's Sherlock
Leventhal, Richard: Ancient Maya Through U.S. Eyesvideo
Levin, Janna: Origin of the Universevideo
Levine, Emily : The Origins and Futures of the Modern Research University
Lewontin, Richard: Should People Believe What Scientists Say?
Leypoldt, Günter: Literary Prestige and the Laureate Position in Cultural Space
Li, Dixon: Dancers' Choices, Choreographers' Choicesvideo
Lien, Mimi: Excerpts from A Period of Animate Existence
Lindee, Susan : Teaching Race: A Roundtable
Liu, Alan: Three Key Digital Humanities Trends
Livingston, Julie: Medicine at the Marginsvideo
Livingstone, Margaret: What Art Can Tell Us About How We Seevideo
Llosa, Mario: Public Reading and Interview
Loomba, Ania: The Violence of Gandhi's Non-Violencevideo
Lopate, Phillip: Phillip Lopate: Style in Personal Writing
Lorenz, Angela: Victorious Secret
Lorenz, Angela: Entertaining Notions of Elite Ideals for Women, 300 A.D.
Lorenzini, Daniele: Fanon Unbound:
Love, Heather: The Beauty of Choice
Love, Heather: New Ways of Readingvideo
Lu, Sidney: What I Learned at Camp
Lubin, Joan: Digital Humanities In and Beyond the Classroom
Lucas, Katelyn: Lenapehokingvideo
Lui, Deb: Digital Humanities Winter Institute Talk-Back and Skills Sharing Workshop
Lum, Ken: Monuments and Memory
Lyons, Kristina: Publishing Within and Beyond the University
Machover, Tod: Music, Mastery, and Memoryvideo
Maeda, John: Search for Simplicity in an Over-Teched World
Magid, Shaul : American Jewish Musical Enounters
Mair, Victor: The East Asian Heartland and its Bronze Age Connectionsvideo
Mali Mason, Qrescent: Fanon Unbound:
Maney, Bret: Text Analysis Using R and Digital Editions
Mann, Michael: Climate Warsvideo
Manning, Erin: The Misplaced Concreteness of the Senses
Marcus, Millicent: What Lies Hidden Beneath the "Blah Blah Blah"
Marcus, Sharon: New Ways of Readingvideo
Markey, Erin: Erin Markey: Boner Killer
Marquez, René: Peripheral Visionsvideo
Mars, Tessa: Imag(in)ing Revolutions
Martiel, Carlos: Imag(in)ing Revolutions
Martinez, Ernel: Public Artvideo
Mashramani, Ras : Mental Health and Abolition
Massiah, Louis: Mother of George
Massumi, Brian : The Misplaced Concreteness of the Senses
Mattawa, Khaled: Poetry and Global Justice
Matthen, Mohan: Values of Colorvideo
Matthews, Airea: Rivers that Feed Usvideo
Mayeri, Serena: The Past and Future of Reproductive Choicevideo
Mazhar, Marvi: Muddy Waters: Reimagining Futures in Wet Asiavideo
McClusky, Pamela: Wild Yam Dreamingvideo
McDaniel, Justin : The Stuff of Buddhist Leisure
McDaniel, Justin : Living Deliberately in the 21st Century
Meeks, Elijah: Mapping Cultural History, Visualizing Cultural Information
Menand, Louis: The Cat in the Hat
Menecal, María: Three Cultures or One?
Mershani, Aisha: Imag(in)ing Revolutions
Meyer, Steven: Waking Dreaming
Miles, Jack: How Many Scriptures Became One Bible
Miller, Doug: Lenapehokingvideo
Miller, M.D., Bruce: Portraits of Artists
Millet, Lydia: Environmental Science and the Post-Apocalyptic Novelvideo
Mitchell, Billy *Mr. Apollo*: Backstage at the Apollo
Mnookin, Jennifer : Envisioning Evidencevideo
Morse, Stephen: To Sleep, Perchance to Kill
Mostern, Ruth: Mapping Cultural History, Visualizing Cultural Information
Mueller, Jan-Werner: Democracy After Populismvideo
Muhammad, Abdul-Aliy: Community Justice & The Ivory Towervideo
Murray, Joseph: Our Historical Memory: The National Deaf-Mute College and Alexander Graham Bell
Murray, Joseph: Being Global: Transnational Spheres of Deaf Peoplevideo
Murray, Simone: Actively Seeking Emotional Devastation
Mustazza, Chris: PennSound Roundtable
Nadasen, Premilla : Rethinking Care Workvideo
Najmabadi, Afsaneh: The Kin Who Count, and Those in the
Nakamura, Lisa: Griefing Culture and Incivility on the Internetvideo
Nanki, Anne-Sophie: Ici s'Achève le Monde Connu
Narmour, Eugene: Time's Potential
Nehamas, Alexander: Has Anything Changed Since the Time of Plato?
Newberg, MD, Andrew: Why God Won't Go Away
Ngai, Mae : The Chinese Questionvideo
Nguyen, Viet: The Life and Letters of Migrationvideo
Nirenberg, David: Scriptural Conflict, Scriptural Changevideo
Nizaruddin, Fathima : Documenting Nuclear Afterlivesvideo
Nornes, Markus: Second Thoughts on "Abusive Subtitling"
Nussbaum, Martha : Gender Justice, Human Rights, and Human Capabilities
Pagels, Elaine: Original Sin
Pamuk, Orhan: A Conversation with Orhan Pamuk
Paoletti, Sarah : Immigration: A Philadelphia Perspective
Park, Josephine: The Life and Letters of Migrationvideo
Patterson, Annabel: The Man Who Loved Books But Couldn't Afford Them
Pecora, Vincent: "An Idea Like a Butterfly"
Peoples, Dottie: Penn Presents Gospel with Dottie Peoples
PHILADANCO!: Dancers' Choices, Choreographers' Choicesvideo
PHILADANCO!: Participatory Dance & Choreography Workshop on "Choice"
Phillips, Caryl: Border Crossingsvideo
Phoenix, Atlas: Amazigh Poeticsvideo
Pingree, David: Destiny and Design: Perceptions and Uses of Time in South Asia
Pinker, Steven: How the Mind Works
Pitkin, Emil: R Bootcamp
Pittman, Holly: Death, Burial, and the Afterlife in Early Mesopotamia
Platt, Kevin: From Revolution to Catastrophe
Poggi, Chrstine: Time's Potential
Pollack, Barbara: The Family of Men
Poses, Steve: Philadelphia Cuisine
Powell, Timothy: Digital Humanities and Community Outreach
Price, Katie: The Digital Humanities in Research and Scholarship
Price, Katie: Text Analysis Using R and Digital Editions
Puno, Risa : Freedom and Choice in Art and Literaturevideo
Ramsey, Guthrie: Improvisation
Ramsey, Guy: What is the Philadelphia Sound?
Rashid, Karim: Karim Rashid: Design and Desire
Rawson, Katie: Building Your Online Presence
Ray, Krishnendu: Colorful Foodvideo
Redrobe, Karen: The Humanities and The Global
Redrobe, Karen: Recommendation Letter Workshop
Reicher, Harry: Holocaust-Era Testimony
Reichman, Ravit: Violent Means
Reid, Alastair: Mysteries of Translationvideo
Reid, Graeme: Flee
Restall, Matthew: Time Among the Maya
Richardson, Sarah: Sex, Gender, and the Human Genomevideo
Richter, Daniel: The Historical Novel
Riley, Boots: Revolution is the Solution
Rivera, Raquel: Rivers that Feed Usvideo
Roberts, Dorothy: Violent Means
Roberts, Dorothy: Liberating Sexuality: Starting with Black Womenvideo
Roberts, Dorothy: What’s So Dangerous About Black Women’s Sexuality?video
Robertson, Stephen: Behind the Scenes at Digital Harlem
Robinson, Martin: Puppets: The Original Avatars
Robinson, Octavian: Nothing About Us Without Usvideo
Roebke, Gwendalynn: Imag(in)ing Revolutions
Rojas, Carlos : Temporalities of Choice
Rojas, Carlos : (Re)Constitutions of Choice
Rose, C. Brian: Past Imperfect: Archaeology and War in Iraq and Afganistanvideo
Rosekind, Mark: Eyes Wide Open
Rosenfeld, Sophia: What Kids Can't Do: Youth, Historical Agency, and Authorityvideo
Rosenfeld, Sophia: Freedom and Choice in Art and Literaturevideo
Rosenfeld, Sophia: Publishing Within and Beyond the University
Rosenfeld, Sophia: Conspiracies and Common Sense: From Founding to the Trump Era
Rosenfeld, Sophia: Recommendation Letter Workshop
Rosenthal, Sandra: Scientific Time and Temporal Experience
Ross, Gary: Cut To: Subjectivity, Time, and the Movies
Rothenberg, Dan : Excerpts from A Period of Animate Existence
Roy, Deboleena: Molecular Feminisms and Biophilosophies of Becomingvideo
Rozin, Elizabeth: Philadelphia Cuisine
Rozin, Paul: The Psychology of Soul and Afterlife
Ruderman, David: Reading the Biblevideo
Rudersdorf, Amy: Research on a Global Scale
Rushdie, Salman: Step Across This Line
Russell, Anthony: American Jewish Musical Enounters
Saberi, MD, MPH, Pouné : Post-Carbon Futures in a Fact-Challenged Present
Sabin, Jenny: Design and Nonlinear Systems Biology: LabStudiovideo
Sackett, Amirah: A Woman's Voice is Revolutionvideo
Said, Edward: Reflections on Late Style
Salamon, Gayle: "If something wasn't done soon": The Murder of Larry King
Salecl, Renata: Choice in the Time of a Pandemicvideo
Santomero, Anthony: Great Expectations
Saro-Wiwa, Zina : Terra/Forms of Choice
Saro-Wiwa, Zina : (Re)Constitutions of Choice
Saunders, Crom: Evolution in Deaf Identities
Saval, Nikil: A Rebirth of Literatures
Savcı, Evren: Queer in Translation
Scassellati, Brian: Social Robots and the Study of Human Behaviorvideo
Schaffner, Ingrid: Dali's Dream of Venus
Schatz, Anna: What I Learned at Camp
Schiffrin, André: The Business of Books and the World of Publishing
Schor, Hilary: Curious Subjects
Schreiber, Elliott: The Virtue of Play: Games and Stories for Children in the German Enlightenment
Schwartz, H.: Measuring Well-Being Using Social Media
Schwartz, Peter: Where Did the Villain Get His Mustache? An Excavation
Schwartz, Vanessa: Picturing the News, in Colorvideo
Semmel, Stuart : Mass Observation and the Solo Artist
Seyfarth, Robert: The Social Knowledge of Monkeys and Apesvideo
Shafrir, Doree: The Future of Digitalvideo
Shah, Nayan: The Paradox of Hunger Strikesvideo
Shah, Shivaike: Uprooting Medea Presentation
Shams, Fatemeh : The Poetry of Migrationvideo
Shamsie, Kamila: Who Belongs at Home?video
Shaw, Gwendolyn : A MI VIDAvideo
Sherry, Vincent: Modernism and the Reinvention of Decadence
Shull, Brigitte : Publishing for Early Career Faculty and Graduate Students
Siegel, Reva: The Past and Future of Reproductive Choicevideo
Sikander, Shahzia: Heritage as Poltergeistvideo
Singerman, Jerome: Publishing Workshop for Early Career Scholars
Singerman, Jerome: Publishing Workshop for Early Career Scholars
Singerman, Jerome: Publishing for Early Career Authors
Singerman, Jerome: Publishing Workshop for Early Career Scholars
Singerman, Jerry: Publishing for Early Career Authors
Singerman, Jerry: Publishing for Early Career Authors
Singh, Amardeep: Known and Strange Things
Singh-Soin, Himali: Terra/Forms of Choice
Singh-Soin, Himali: (Re)Constitutions of Choice
Slovic, David: Philadelphia Urban Design
Smith, Caleb: Violent Means
Smith, Emma: What is Shakespeare’s First Folio and Why Should I Care?
Smith, Kiki: An Artist's Sourcesvideo
Smith, Patti: Patti Smith: Words and Music
Smith, Tracy: "Why Poetry? Why now?"
Smith, Zadie: The Writer's Palette
Smythe, Robert: Puppets: The Original Avatars
Snitow, Alan: Town Destroyer
Solanki, Tanvi: Aural Philology: Listening, Reading, and Cultural Difference in Eighteenth-Century Germany
Solnit, Rebecca: Art, Disaster, Utopiavideo
Sorey, Tyshawn : Improvisation
Spellberg, Denise: Islam and the Founders: Documenting Shared Spaces
Spencer, Quayshawn : Teaching Race: A Roundtable
Spergel, David: The Edges of the Visible Universevideo
Spiegelman, Art: Comix 101
Stallybrass, Peter: The Sociable Bed
Stallybrass, Peter: Reading the Biblevideo
Stansell, Chrstine: Dreams from/Dreams of the Nineteenth Century
Steiner, Wendy: Adam's Dream
Steiner, Wendy: The Beauty of Choice
Steiner, Wendy: The Real Real Thing
Steketee, Gail: Buried in Treasures: When Stuff Takes Overvideo
Sterling, Marvin: Japanese Reggaevideo
Stevens, Rosemary: Time's Potential
Stewart, Susan: Time's Potential
Stickgold, Robert: Sleep, Memory, and Dreams
Stones, Alison: Travel and the Santiago Pilgrimage
Strong, Krystal: Community Justice & The Ivory Towervideo
Struck, Peter: Presto, Changeo!video
Strumpf, Neville: Time's Potential
Summers, MD, Richard: Flesh, Fantasy, and Bandwidth
Swan, Claudia: Counterfeit Chimerasvideo
Sweeney, Mary: Cutting Cinematic Dreams
Swift, Isabel: The Substance of Romance
Swoon: Down the Mississippi
Tan, Jenny: Demystifying Book Proposals and Publishing Workshop
Tenner, Edward: Virtually Immortalvideo
The Clerks Group: Singing from the Source
Thomas, Daniel StrongWalker: Lenapehokingvideo
Thomas, Deborah: Dancers' Choices, Choreographers' Choicesvideo
Thomas, Deborah: Archiving State Violencevideo
Thomas, Douglas: Technology Outlaws and the Morality of Playvideo
Thomas, George: Philadelphia Architecture
Thomas, Jolyon: Community Justice & The Ivory Towervideo
Thornber, Karen : Temporalities of Choice
Thornber, Karen : (Re)Constitutions of Choice
Thubron, Colin: Shadow of the Silk Roadvideo
Thubron, Colin: Traveling the Silk Road Todayvideo
Tietchen, Todd: Kerouac in Translation, Kerouac in Diaspora
Tillet, Salamishah: Mother of George
Tillet, Salamishah: Ghosts, Zombies, and the Afterlives of Slavery
Tinney, Steve: When Speech was Nails
Tobar, Kee : Mental Health and Abolition
Tomlinson, Gary: 1,000,000 Years of Musicvideo
Tomlinson-Clarke, Saundra: Remaking the Seventh Ward through Digital Mapping and Storytelling
Tresch, John: Beautiful Sciencevideo
Tresch, John: Orphic and Metamorphic
Trettien, Whitney: Building Your Online Presence
Trimpop, Thorsten: Documenting Nuclear Afterlivesvideo
Trojanowski, John: Time's Potential
Tsing, Anna: Concrete
Turner, Catherine: Defining Your Expectations and Creating a Syllabus for a Penn Class
Turner, Catherine: Defining Your Expectations and Creating a Syllabus for a Penn Class
Turner, Catherine: Defining Your Expectations and Creating a Syllabus for a Penn Class
Turner, Catherine: Defining Your Expectations and Creating a Syllabus for a Penn Class
Vaidhyanathan, Siva: Googlization of Everythingvideo
Valles, Jesús: bala.fruta./bullet.fruit
Van Clief-Stefanon, Lyrae : Art, Lyric, and Movement
Van Clief-Stefanon, Lyrae : The Poetry of Migrationvideo
Varnelis, Kazys: Peripheral Visionsvideo
Velarde, Kukuli : A MI VIDAvideo
Vershbow, Ben: Crowdsourcing and the Rise of the Volunteer Humanistvideo
Vollman, William: The Historical Novel
Vu, Ania: Across Cultures and Timevideo
Wahlert, Lance: Living in the Era of Sexual Healthvideo
Walker, Kara: Violence in Contemporary Art (Canceled)
Wallerstein, Immanuel: Cores and Peripheries in the 21st Centuryvideo
Weber, Caroline: Style and the Fashioning of the Body
Weber, Sue: Use Your Voice! Self-Presentation and Connecting With Diverse Publics
Weiner, Jonathan: Time: The View from Darwin's Islands and Benzer's Bottles
Welch, James: The Historical Novel
Wells, Spencer: Changing Places, Changing Faces
Wendt, Henry: Mapping the West Coast of North Americavideo
Weschler, Lawrence: All That is Solid
West, Cornel: An Evening With Dr. Cornel West
White, Clayton: Penn Presents Gospel with Dottie Peoples
White, Patricia: What Is Appropriate Behavior?video
White, Randall: Evolution of Human Symbolismvideo
Whitehead, Colson: Ghosts, Zombies, and the Afterlives of Slavery
Wilkerson Sexton, Margaret: Freedom and Choice in Art and Literaturevideo
Wilkinson, Erin: Lexical Processing in ASL-English Bilinguals
Wilson, Elizabeth: Feminist Darwinvideo
Wilson, Emily : Who Belongs at Home?video
Wind, Yoram (Jerry): Brand Names and Logos
Woal, Linda: Philadelphia Textiles
Wolfe, Jen: Crowdsourcing and the Rise of the Volunteer Humanistvideo
Wood, Allen: The Duty to Believe According to the Evidence
Woubshet, Dagmawi : Art, Lyric, and Movement
Woubshet, Dagmawi : The Life and Letters of Migrationvideo
Wu, Hao: Documentary Filmmaking Between China and the US
Wurgaft, Benjamin: Cultured Meat and Three Futures for Fleshvideo