Archive: Speakers
Eagleman, David: The Kaledioscopic Brain of Synesthesia
Eck, Stephen: Will the Re-Engineering of Human Beings Re-Engineer Human Nature?
Edwards, Terra: Language for a Protactile World
Eire, Carlos: The Legacy of the Reformation after 500 Years
El Barouni, Radwa: VHS Kahloucha
El Guabli, Brahim: Amazigh Poeticsvideo
Eldem, Edhem: How Local Can You (Really) Go?
ElGendy, Abdelrahman: To Sing the Truth and Name the Liars
Elgrably, Jordan: Sumūd
Elias, Jamal: The Genealogical Prisonvideo
Elias, Jamal: Heritage as Poltergeistvideo
Elias, Jamal: A Woman's Voice is Revolutionvideo
Elliott, Dyan: The Corrupter of Boys
Emanuel, Ezekial: The Ethics of American Health Care
Endersby, Jim: Darwin, Hooker, and Empirevideo
Eng, David: Teaching Race: A Roundtable
Eng, David: Choice in the Time of a Pandemicvideo
English, James: Digital Humanities 101
English, James: The Digital Humanities in Research and Scholarship
Epstein, Helen: Politics and Pandemics
Epstein, Steven: Living in the Era of Sexual Healthvideo
Esty, Jed: The Writer's Palette
Eusebio, Amy: Immigration: A Philadelphia Perspective