Archive: Speakers
Badler, Norman: Really Virtual or Virtually Real?
Baird, Julianne: Origins of Musical Ornamentation
Balachandran, Sanchita: Divine and Ghostly Things: Debating the Care of Religious Relics at the Madras Government Museumvideo
Baldwin, Davarian: Community Justice & The Ivory Towervideo
Barber, Joseph: Use Your Voice! Self-Presentation and Connecting With Diverse Publics
Barberena, Carlos: Revolutionary Aesthetics and Graphic Solidarities
Barchi, Robert: Managing Time: The Aesthetics and Engineering of Early Watch Design
Barkan, Leonard: Satyr Squarevideo
Bashir, Shahzad : The Genealogical Prisonvideo
Bazemore, Dawn: Dancers' Choices, Choreographers' Choicesvideo
Bazemore, Dawn: Participatory Dance & Choreography Workshop on "Choice"
Beavers, Herman: Rivers that Feed Usvideo
Beavers, Herman: Acts, Facts, and Artifacts: The Stuff of Black Culture
Beavers, Herman: The Poetry of Migrationvideo
Bechdel, Alison: A Conversation with Alison Bechdel
Beckman, Ericka: Multiple Choice
Belkadhi, Nejib: VHS Kahloucha
Bennett, Herman: Violent Means
Berkowitz, Peter : A Discussion with Peter Berkowitz
Bermant, Gordon: The Psychology of Soul and Afterlife
Bernstein, Charles: PennSound Roundtable
Bernstein, Charles: Violence in Contemporary Art (Canceled)
Best, Stephen: New Ways of Readingvideo
Biggins , Walter : Publishing Workshop for Early Career Scholars
Black, Brian: Post-Carbon Futures in a Fact-Challenged Present
Blackbird, Eighth: Music for the Beginning of Time featuring George Crumb
Blankmeyer Burke, Teresa: Parent Choices, Language Choice, and Deaf Flourishingvideo
Bloom, Amy: Tragedy is Easy, Comedy is Hard, and Love is Damn Near Impossible
Blumenthal, Eileen: Puppets: The Original Avatars
Boddie, Stephanie: Remaking the Seventh Ward through Digital Mapping and Storytelling
Bol, Peter: Mapping Cultural History, Visualizing Cultural Information
Boquiren, Sidney: Sacred Music for Piano
Boraine, Alex: Belief in Democracy
Botstein, Leon: Leon Botstein: Style & Meaning in Music
Boyer, Pascal: Culture, Creativity, and Adaptationvideo
Brantz, Dorothee : Kinship Reloaded: Humans, Animals, and the Urbanvideo
Braverman, Louise: The Domains of Sleep
Brider, Tsvey : Children of the Ghetto + Black Shul (EVENT CANCELED)
Brown, Bill: Re-Stuffing Theory, Re-Thinking Assemblagevideo
Brown, Carmel: Mental Health and Abolition
Browne, Jyana: The Afterlives of Love Suicide from Osaka’s Riverbanks to the National Theatre
Brownlee, David: Monuments and Memory
Brownlee, David: Philadelphia Architecture
Bruhns Alonso, Cosette : Demystifying Book Proposals and Publishing Workshop
Bryant, Ritchie: Think Me Nuthing? Raising Awareness of the Black Deaf Communityvideo
Bryda, Greg: Wölff: Art at Your Fingertips
Buckey, M.D., Jay: Space-Lag
Bujon, Hugo: Fanon Unbound:
Burke-White, William: The Humanities and The Global
Buruma, Ian: The Rise and Fall of European Multiculturalismvideo
Bushnell, Rebecca: Human and Garden Natures