Presented by AAUP-Penn
All university members and Philadelphia residents are invited to attend a panel discussion of the university’s role in gentrifying and policing neighborhoods in cities across the country, with a focus on Penn and West Philly. The event will feature the new book of scholar Davarian Baldwin, In the Shadow of the Ivory Tower: How Universities are Plundering our Cities (Bold Type Books, 2021). Prof. Baldwin will be in conversation with Penn faculty and community activists.
Organized by AAUP-Penn, the University of Pennsylvania chapter of the American Association of University Professors.
Sponsors: Civic House, Wolf Humanities Center, SNF Paideia.
Penn Co-sponsors: Penn for PILOTS; Police Free Penn; Fossil Free Penn; Latinx Coalition; Asian Pacific Student Coalition; Penn Association for Gender Equity; Lambda Alliance; United Minorities Council; UMOJA Coalition; Penn Community for Justice; GET-UP; University of Pennsylvania YDSA.
Community Co-sponsors: The Paul Robeson House; Scribe Video Center; Al-Bustan Seeds of Culture; People’s Emergency Center.