Archive: Speakers
Daedalus Quartet: Lyricism in Babel
Daedalus Quartet: Spiritual Journey
Daedalus Quartet: The Unfolding of Composition
Daedalus Quartet: Music and Migration (EVENT CANCELED)
Daedalus Quartet: Music from Exilevideo
Daedalus Quartet: Beethoven's Opus 131
Danticat, Edwidge: Death, Writing, Race, and Freedom
Danto, Arthur: Arthur Danto: Three Brillo boxes
Dardashti, Galeet : American Jewish Musical Enounters
Darnton, Robert: Transgressions in Print
Daston, Lorraine: Nature's Revengevideo
Davenport, Christian: Indian Untouchabilityvideo
Dawn, Concordian: From the Outer Spheres to the Inner Senses
Dawson, Ashley: Urban Life in the Era of Climate Changevideo
De Landa, Manuel: Origins of Artificial Intelligencevideo
Deacon, Terrence: The Non-Adaptive Origins of Languagevideo
Della Zazzera, Elizabeth: What I Learned at Camp
Deslauriers, Guy: Biguine and the Music of Liberation
Dial, Minter: Being Your Full Self
Díaz, Junot: On the Caribbean Periphery of American Letters
Dickinson, Sara: Dashkova's Grand Tourvideo
Diggs, LaTasha : An Evening of Poetry and Discussion with LaTasha Diggs
Diller, Adam: Documenting Nuclear Afterlivesvideo
Dillon, Emma: The Look of the Voice
Dinges, David: Modern Humans at the Boundary of Sleep and Waking
Dohrmann, Natalie: Publishing Within and Beyond the University
Dolan, Emily: Orphic and Metamorphic
Doniger, Wendy: Sex and Jewelry in Cross-Cultural Mythology
Douglas, Ann: Kerouac in Translation, Kerouac in Diaspora
Doyle, Richard: Values of Colorvideo
Drucker, Johanna: Virtual Codex
Duara, Prasenjit: Muddy Waters: Reimagining Futures in Wet Asiavideo
Dukhan, N.: Secrets of the Line: Arabic and Islamic Calligraphy
Durham Peters, John: Weathering the Environments of Modernity
Dyson, Torkwase: Values of Colorvideo