Archive: Speakers
Labov, William: Language Change in Americavideo
Labridy, Corine: Imag(in)ing Revolutions
Labridy, Corine: Biguine and the Music of Liberation
LaDue, Emily: Digital Humanities Winter Institute Talk-Back and Skills Sharing Workshop
LaDuke, Winona: Endangered Native Languages, Lands, and Natural Resourcesvideo
Landes, David: Revolution in Time
Lattanzi, Gregory: Lenapehokingvideo
Lear, Jonathan: The Ethics of Dream Interpretation
Lear, Jonathan: Subjectivity, Irony and Belief
Lear, Jonathan: Psychoanalysis and the I-Thou Relation
Lehmann, Chris: A Rebirth of Literatures
Leja, Michael: Grant Writing Workshop
Lemieux, Jamilah: Talking Back: A Sex Positive Conversation about Black Female Sexuality
Lesser, Zachary: Shakespeare's Sherlock
Leventhal, Richard: Ancient Maya Through U.S. Eyesvideo
Levin, Janna: Origin of the Universevideo
Levine, Emily : The Origins and Futures of the Modern Research University
Lewontin, Richard: Should People Believe What Scientists Say?
Leypoldt, Günter: Literary Prestige and the Laureate Position in Cultural Space
Li, Dixon: Dancers' Choices, Choreographers' Choicesvideo
Lien, Mimi: Excerpts from A Period of Animate Existence
Lindee, Susan : Teaching Race: A Roundtable
Liu, Alan: Three Key Digital Humanities Trends
Livingston, Julie: Medicine at the Marginsvideo
Livingstone, Margaret: What Art Can Tell Us About How We Seevideo
Llosa, Mario: Public Reading and Interview
Loomba, Ania: The Violence of Gandhi's Non-Violencevideo
Lopate, Phillip: Phillip Lopate: Style in Personal Writing
Lorenz, Angela: Victorious Secret
Lorenz, Angela: Entertaining Notions of Elite Ideals for Women, 300 A.D.
Lorenzini, Daniele: Fanon Unbound:
Love, Heather: New Ways of Readingvideo
Love, Heather: The Beauty of Choice
Lu, Sidney: What I Learned at Camp
Lubin, Joan: Digital Humanities In and Beyond the Classroom
Lucas, Katelyn: Lenapehokingvideo
Lui, Deb: Digital Humanities Winter Institute Talk-Back and Skills Sharing Workshop
Lum, Ken: Monuments and Memory
Lyons, Kristina: Publishing Within and Beyond the University