Archive: Speakers
Hahn, Steven: Before King's Dream
Halasa, Malu: Sumūd
Hall, Edith: The Ancient Greeks and the Future of the Human Racevideo
Hall Jamieson, Kathleen: The Deflective Power of Images in Political Ads
Hamelin, Marc-André : Word, Image, Music
Hamelin, Marc-André : The Music of Sleep and Dreams
Hamilton, Ann: Artist's Talk
Hansen, James: Can Scientists (Not) Be Activists?video
Harkins, H. James: Sacred Music for Piano
Harper, Corey: Research on a Global Scale
Harrelson, Erin: #deaftravel: An Ethnography of Deaf Tourist Mobilities
Harvey, David: The End of Capitalism?video
Hass, Larry: The Pleasures of Magic and Foolery
Hayat, Maira: Muddy Waters: Reimagining Futures in Wet Asiavideo
Hayles, N. Katherine: Why We Are (Still) Posthumanvideo
Hayot, Eric: Peripheral Visionsvideo
Hendrickson, Paul: Hemingway's Boatvideo
Hendrickson, Paul: Sons of Mississippi: A Story of Race and Its Legacy
Henner, Jon: Variability is the Spice of Life
Herion, Troy: Excerpts from A Period of Animate Existence
Hershatter, Gail : Collectivizing Kinship
Hilal, Moshtari: Ugliness
Hill , Joseph: The Past, Present, and Future of Black ASL
Hillier, Amy: Public Artvideo
Hillier, Amy: Remaking the Seventh Ward through Digital Mapping and Storytelling
Hirsch, Edward: Edward Hirsch: Styles of Love Poetry
Hoffman, Allison : Rethinking the Value of Individual Choicevideo
Hoffmann, Roald: The Allure of Indigovideo
Hofstadter, Douglas: The Deep Interconnectedness of Human Soulsvideo
Hollinger, Eric: Repatriating Tribal Objects in the Digital Agevideo
Holmes, Maori: Use Your Voice! Self-Presentation and Connecting With Diverse Publics
Holtz, Dani: Pedagogies and Projects
Holzer, Jenny: Public Art
Holzman, Alex: Publishing for Early Career Faculty and Graduate Students
Hope, Jonathan: Visualizing English Print
Horton, Ben: Climate Warsvideo
Houston, Stephen: Time Among the Maya
Hoyt, Eric: Variety's Transformations
Hudson, Andrew: Digital Humanities Research Tools
Hui Kyong Chun, Wendy: Segregation: The Stuff Social Media is Made Ofvideo
Hunt, John: Human and Garden Natures
Hunter, Michael: A Chat with a Digital Sinologist
Hyde, Lewis: Benjamin Franklin and the Liberty to Communicatevideo