Archive: Speakers
Gadsden, Amy: The Humanities and The Global
Garcia, Jorge : Ideologies and Materialities of Choice
Garcia, Jorge : (Re)Constitutions of Choice
Garraway, Doris: Dead Letters
Garreau, Joel: The Santa Fe-ing of America?video
Gazzoni, Andrea: Digital Humanities In and Beyond the Classroom
George, Abosede: What Kids Can't Do: Youth, Historical Agency, and Authorityvideo
Gepts, Paul: The Impact of Human Travel on Agriculturevideo
Geschiere, Peter: Witchcraft and Contemporary Africa
Ghawanmeh, Mohannad: Immigration: A Philadelphia Perspective
Ghosh, Amitav: Beyond the End of the World: Human and Non-human After the Collapse of ‘Civilization’
Gil-Riaño, Sebastián : Teaching Race: A Roundtable
Gitlin, Todd: The Pathos of Chosenness: Who are the Jews if not Exceptional?video
Goh, Irving: “The Problem of Failure”
Golden, Charles: Time Among the Maya
Golden, Jane: Public Artvideo
Golden, Jane: Philadelphia Mural Art
Goldhill, Simon: A Very Queer Family Indeedvideo
Goldstone, Andrew: Topic Modeling and the Sociology of Literature
Gonzales, Roberto : DACA and the Limits of Citizenshipvideo
Gordin, Michael: Speaking Utopian
Gotkin, Kevin: What I Learned at Camp
Gotkin, Kevin: Digital Humanities Winter Institute Talk-Back and Skills Sharing Workshop
Gottlieb, Alma: The Afterlives of Babies: A View from West Africavideo
Grafton, Anthony: The Organization Professor?
Grafton, Anthony: Renaissance Romans and Egyptian Obelisks
Grafton, Anthony: Books and the Magus
Greenblatt, Stephen: Cultural Mobility
Greenhouse, Linda: The Past and Future of Reproductive Choicevideo
Greenwald, Brian: Our Historical Memory: The National Deaf-Mute College and Alexander Graham Bell
Greenwald, Brian: Deaf Humanities
Grey, Stuart: A History of Space Debrisvideo
Griffin, Farah Jasmine: New Shades of Bluevideo
Grossman, MD, EdD, Murray: Storytelling and Imaging in Medical Diagnosis
Guerrero, Alex: Lottocracy: A New Kind of Democracyvideo
Gunning, Tom: The Discovery of Virtual Movementvideo
Guyer, Jane: Peripheral Visionsvideo