The Modernist Commons is a digital repository and modular editorial workbench designed by the Editing Modernism in Canada project in collaboration with Islandora and its open-source software-services company DiscoveryGarden. In its current iteration, the Modernist Commons has implemented additional open-source digital tools (Tesseract OCR, CWRC Writer, Shared Canvas, and Calliope). With these tools, users can ingest images and generate transcriptions, as well as edit and mark up both transcriptions and images using a single graphical interface, which supports overlapping TEI-XML and RDF markup. Users can also perform algorithmically generated collations of transcriptions, which can be visualized in several ways. The Modernist Commons provides a critical edition interface so that editors can assemble images, audio and video, critical apparatus, and visualizations in a configurable reading environment.
Director, Editing Modernism in Canada (EMiC)
Department of English, Dalhousie University