Wolf Humanities Center Alumni Society
Lee, Min Kyung
Regional Fellows; 2021—2022, Migration
Lee, Natasha
Regional Fellows; 2004—2005, Sleep and Dreams
Lee, Yumi
Doctoral Fellows; 2012—2013, Peripheries
Lehmann, Amalya
Undergraduate Fellows; 2012—2013, Peripheries
Lehr Mueser, Anna
Doctoral Fellows; 2022—2023, Heritage
Leja, Meg
Postdoctoral Fellows; 2017—2018, Afterlives
Leonard, Ryan A.
Undergraduate Fellows; 2009—2010, Connections
Leonard, Sarah L.
Postdoctoral Fellows; 2002—2003, The Book
Leone, Gerard
Undergraduate Fellows; 2006—2007, Travel
Leone, Gerard
Undergraduate Fellows; 2005—2006, Word & Image
Leone, Margaret
Undergraduate Fellows; 2011—2012, Adaptations
Lepselter, Susan
Postdoctoral Fellows; 2006—2007, Travel
Leraul, D. Bret
Regional Fellows; 2022—2023, Heritage
Lerner, Giovanna Faleschini
Regional Fellows; 2011—2012, Adaptations
Li, Jiayi
Undergraduate Fellows; 2023—2024, Revolution
Lim, Jeehyun
Doctoral Fellows; 2009—2010, Connections
Lim, Swii Yii
Undergraduate Fellows; 2003—2004, Belief
Lima, Lázaro
Regional Fellows; 2004—2005, Sleep and Dreams
Linker, Beth
Penn Faculty Fellows; 2016—2017, Translation
Linker, Beth
Penn Faculty Fellows; 2008—2009, Change
Liu, Pearl
Undergraduate Fellows; 2020—2021, Choice
Lodewick, Colin
Undergraduate Fellows; 2017—2018, Afterlives
Lomuto, Sierra
Lomuto, Sierra
Associate Scholars; 2017—2018, Afterlives
Long, Brian P.
Postdoctoral Fellows; 2016—2017, Translation
Lord, Errol
Penn Faculty Fellows; 2019—2020, Kinship
Loughridge, Deirdre
Doctoral Fellows; 2009—2010, Connections
Loughridge, Deirdre
Doctoral Fellows; 2010—2011, Virtuality
Love, Heather
Penn Faculty Fellows; 2004—2005, Sleep and Dreams
Love, Heather
Love, Heather
Love, Heather
Lubey, Kathleen
Postdoctoral Fellows; 2008—2009, Change
Lucy, Martha
Regional Fellows; 2007—2008, Origins
Lui, Brendan
Undergraduate Fellows; 2021—2022, Migration
Lund, Sofia Amalia
Undergraduate Fellows; 2015—2016, Sex
Ma, Bob
Undergraduate Fellows; 2009—2010, Connections
Macauley, David
Regional Fellows; 2012—2013, Peripheries
Maciak, Phillip J.
Doctoral Fellows; 2010—2011, Virtuality
Mackenzie, Jennifer
Regional Fellows; 2019—2020, Kinship
MacLeod, Catriona
Penn Faculty Fellows; 2018—2019, Stuff
MacLeod, Catriona
Penn Faculty Fellows; 2000—2001, Style
MacLeod, Catriona
MacLeod, Catriona
MacLeod, Catriona
MacLeod, Catriona
MacLeod, Catriona
MacLeod, Catriona
MacLeod, Catriona
Penn Faculty Fellows; 2010—2011, Virtuality
MacPhee, Graham
Regional Fellows; 2013—2014, Violence
MacPhee, Graham
Regional Fellows; 2007—2008, Origins
Mak, Clifford
Doctoral Fellows; 2012—2013, Peripheries
Mak, Daniella N.
Undergraduate Fellows; 2009—2010, Connections
Malone, Timothy
Postdoctoral Fellows; 2023—2024, Revolution
Mani, Bakirathi
Penn Faculty Fellows; 2024—2025, Keywords
Marcus, Celeste
Undergraduate Fellows; 2018—2019, Stuff
Marentette, Caitlyn
Undergraduate Fellows; 2021—2022, Migration
Marini-Maio, Nicoletta
Regional Fellows; 2013—2014, Violence
Markey, Lia
Postdoctoral Fellows; 2010—2011, Virtuality
Martin, Maya
Undergraduate Fellows; 2001—2002, Time
Mascetti, Yaakov A.
Postdoctoral Fellows; 2003—2004, Belief
Mathew, Shaj
Undergraduate Fellows; 2012—2013, Peripheries
Mathew, Shaj
Undergraduate Fellows; 2013—2014, Violence
Mathisen, Erik
Matter, E. Ann
Penn Faculty Fellows; 2005—2006, Word & Image
Matthews, Wes
Undergraduate Fellows; 2022—2023, Heritage
Maxwell, Robert A.
Penn Faculty Fellows; 2003—2004, Belief
May, Nathan
Undergraduate Fellows; 2016—2017, Translation
McAdams, Ruth
Undergraduate Fellows; 2005—2006, Word & Image
McAdams, Ruth M.
Undergraduate Fellows; 2004—2005, Sleep and Dreams
McAninch, Andrew
Associate Scholars; 2013—2014, Violence
McAninch, Andrew
Associate Scholars; 2014—2015, Color
McBride, Keally
Regional Fellows; 2006—2007, Travel
McBride, Meredith Aska
Undergraduate Fellows; 2009—2010, Connections
McCall, Timothy
Regional Fellows; 2009—2010, Connections
McClary, Olivia
Undergraduate Fellows; 2023—2024, Revolution
McCleary, Erin
McDaniel, Justin Thomas
Penn Faculty Fellows; 2010—2011, Virtuality
McGrath, Alice
Associate Scholars; 2015—2016, Sex
McGrath, Alice
Doctoral Fellows; 2012—2013, Peripheries
McGrath, Alice
McInerney, Maud Burnett
Regional Fellows; 2002—2003, The Book
McKay, Ramah
Penn Faculty Fellows; 2021—2022, Migration
McKnight Nichols, Christopher
Associate Scholars; 2010—2011, Virtuality
McKnight Nichols, Christopher
Associate Scholars; 2009—2010, Connections
McLaughlin, Don James
Doctoral Fellows; 2014—2015, Color
McMillan Lequieu, Amanda
Regional Fellows; 2024—2025, Keywords
Mehilli, Elidor
Postdoctoral Fellows; 2012—2013, Peripheries
Melling, Helen
Postdoctoral Fellows; 2019—2020, Kinship
Melzer, Patricia
Regional Fellows; 2013—2014, Violence
Mendola, Tara
Undergraduate Fellows; 2005—2006, Word & Image
Merrill, Emily
Doctoral Fellows; 2013—2014, Violence
Meskell, Lynn
Penn Faculty Fellows; 2022—2023, Heritage
Meyer, Andrew
Undergraduate Fellows; 2006—2007, Travel
Miao, Erica
Undergraduate Fellows; 2002—2003, The Book
Micir, Melanie
Doctoral Fellows; 2010—2011, Virtuality
Micir, Melanie
Doctoral Fellows; 2011—2012, Adaptations
Mieszkowski, Jan
Postdoctoral Fellows; 1999—2000, Human Nature
Milinski, Sarah
Miller, Alyssa
Postdoctoral Fellows; 2019—2020, Kinship