Wolf Humanities Center Alumni Society
Sapirstein, Philip
Associate Scholars; 2009—2010, Connections
Sawyer, James
Undergraduate Fellows; 2012—2013, Peripheries
Schaefer, Donovan
Penn Faculty Fellows; 2018—2019, Stuff
Schiller, Christopher
Undergraduate Fellows; 2021—2022, Migration
Schneider, Eric
Penn Faculty Fellows; 2013—2014, Violence
Schneider, Lindsey
Undergraduate Fellows; 2005—2006, Word & Image
Schnittman, Samuel
Undergraduate Fellows; 2013—2014, Violence
Scholz, Sally
Regional Fellows; 2011—2012, Adaptations
Schreiber, Kimberly
Undergraduate Fellows; 2014—2015, Color
Schulman, Kyra
Undergraduate Fellows; 2017—2018, Afterlives
Schurr, Theodore
Penn Faculty Fellows; 2021—2022, Migration
Schwartz, Ariane
Undergraduate Fellows; 2001—2002, Time
Schwartz, Arman
Associate Scholars; 2010—2011, Virtuality
Schwartz, Arman
Associate Scholars; 2009—2010, Connections
Schwartz, Barry S.
Undergraduate Fellows; 2000—2001, Style
Schweitzer, Marlis E.
Postdoctoral Fellows; 2005—2006, Word & Image
Seligman, Andrea Felber
Undergraduate Fellows; 2006—2007, Travel
Semmel, Stuart
Postdoctoral Fellows; 1999—2000, Human Nature
Sevea, Teren
Penn Faculty Fellows; 2019—2020, Kinship
Shah, Miriam
Undergraduate Fellows; 2022—2023, Heritage
Shakhsari, Sima
Postdoctoral Fellows; 2015—2016, Sex
Shams, Fatemeh
Penn Faculty Fellows; 2017—2018, Afterlives
Shapiro, Gideon Fink
Doctoral Fellows; 2012—2013, Peripheries
Sharkey, Heather
Sharkey, Heather
Sharkey, Heather
Sharkey, Heather J.
Penn Faculty Fellows; 2016—2017, Translation
Sharkey, Heather J.
Penn Faculty Fellows; 2009—2010, Connections
Shawcross, Nancy
Regional Fellows; 2005—2006, Word & Image
Shecter, Philip J.
Undergraduate Fellows; 2008—2009, Change
Sheller, Mimi
Regional Fellows; 2010—2011, Virtuality
Sheridan, Derek
Postdoctoral Fellows; 2018—2019, Stuff
Shevlin, Eleanor F.
Regional Fellows; 2002—2003, The Book
Shifrin, Susan
Regional Fellows; 2006—2007, Travel
Shihadah, Sarah
Undergraduate Fellows; 2013—2014, Violence
Shoaf, Matthew
Regional Fellows; 2010—2011, Virtuality
Shonkwiler, Alison
Postdoctoral Fellows; 2010—2011, Virtuality
Shtrakhman, Darina
Undergraduate Fellows; 2011—2012, Adaptations
Shu, Dan
Undergraduate Fellows; 2003—2004, Belief
Silfen, Jane E.
Undergraduate Fellows; 2004—2005, Sleep and Dreams
Silverman, Yona
Undergraduate Fellows; 2002—2003, The Book
Silverstein, Shayna
Postdoctoral Fellows; 2013—2014, Violence
Slater, Avery
Postdoctoral Fellows; 2016—2017, Translation
Sloane, Kelly
Undergraduate Fellows; 2005—2006, Word & Image
Snead, Jennifer
Postdoctoral Fellows; 2002—2003, The Book
Soderberg, Laura
Doctoral Fellows; 2014—2015, Color
Sohoni, Pushkar
Associate Scholars; 2012—2013, Peripheries
Sokol, Jason
Postdoctoral Fellows; 2008—2009, Change
Sokolow, Kirby
Doctoral Fellows; 2023—2024, Revolution
Solana, Mariela
Associate Scholars; 2015—2016, Sex
Solomons, Delia
Regional Fellows; 2024—2025, Keywords
Song, H. Rosi
Regional Fellows; 2007—2008, Origins
Sorensen, Peter
Postdoctoral Fellows; 2022—2023, Heritage
Spafford, David
Penn Faculty Fellows; 2019—2020, Kinship
Spafford, David
Spafford, David
Spencer, Scott
Regional Fellows; 2012—2013, Peripheries
Sreenivasan, Ramya
Stallybrass, Peter
Stallybrass, Peter
Director; 2003—2004 (Co-director)
Stankiewicz, Damien
Regional Fellows; 2016—2017, Translation
Steger, Brigitte
Postdoctoral Fellows; 2004—2005, Sleep and Dreams
Stein, Sarana
Undergraduate Fellows; 2007—2008, Origins
Stein, Serena S.
Undergraduate Fellows; 2008—2009, Change
Steinberg, Jeremy
Doctoral Fellows; 2024—2025, Keywords
Steiner, Wendy
Steiner, Wendy
Director; 1999—2010
Steinhardt, Nancy
Penn Faculty Fellows; 2021—2022, Migration
Stern, David
Penn Faculty Fellows; 2013—2014, Violence
Stidham, Amy
Undergraduate Fellows; 2017—2018, Afterlives
Strakhov, Elizaveta
Doctoral Fellows; 2013—2014, Violence
Strickberger, Samuel
Undergraduate Fellows; 2021—2022, Migration
Struck, Peter
Penn Faculty Fellows; 2004—2005, Sleep and Dreams
Struck, Peter
Suárez Ontaneda, Juan
Regional Fellows; 2024—2025, Keywords
Suen, Jenny
Undergraduate Fellows; 2004—2005, Sleep and Dreams
Suisman, David
Regional Fellows; 2013—2014, Violence
Sun, Nancy
Undergraduate Fellows; 2001—2002, Time
Tachau, Tova
Undergraduate Fellows; 2023—2024, Revolution
Tachau, Tova
Undergraduate Fellows; 2024—2025, Keywords
Tackett, Justin
Undergraduate Fellows; 2006—2007, Travel
Takahata, Kimberly
Regional Fellows; 2022—2023, Heritage
Tamarkin, Noah
Postdoctoral Fellows; 2012—2013, Peripheries
Tan, Chloe
Undergraduate Fellows; 2019—2020, Kinship
Taschereau Mamers, Danielle
Postdoctoral Fellows; 2019—2020, Kinship
Tay, Noelle Li-Zhen
Undergraduate Fellows; 2011—2012, Adaptations
Taylor, Jamie
Regional Fellows; 2012—2013, Peripheries
Taylor, Mara
Doctoral Fellows; 2009—2010, Connections
Tebo, Kyle
Undergraduate Fellows; 2016—2017, Translation
Teixeira, Melissa
Undergraduate Fellows; 2007—2008, Origins
Teixeira, Melissa
Penn Faculty Fellows; 2020—2021, Choice
Telhan, Orkan
Penn Faculty Fellows; 2014—2015, Color
Téllez, Jorge
Penn Faculty Fellows; 2022—2023, Heritage
Téllez, Jorge
Penn Faculty Fellows; 2018—2019, Stuff
Tensuan, Theresa M.
Regional Fellows; 2005—2006, Word & Image
Teo, Shawn
Undergraduate Fellows; 2013—2014, Violence
Thadani, Simran
Doctoral Fellows; 2012—2013, Peripheries
Thakkar, Jonathan
Regional Fellows; 2020—2021, Choice
Tharps, Lori
Regional Fellows; 2014—2015, Color
Thomas, Deborah
Penn Faculty Fellows; 2013—2014, Violence