Wolf Humanities Center Alumni Society
Phillips, Liam
Undergraduate Fellows; 2023—2024, Revolution
Pinar, Ekin
Doctoral Fellows; 2011—2012, Adaptations
Pink, Noah
Undergraduate Fellows; 2001—2002, Time
Pittman, Holly
Platt, Kevin M.F.
Platt, Kevin M.F.
Podkul, Cezary
Undergraduate Fellows; 2002—2003, The Book
Poggi, Christine
Penn Faculty Fellows; 2016—2017, Translation
Ponce de León, Jennifer
Penn Faculty Fellows; 2023—2024, Revolution
Poole, Kristen
Regional Fellows; 2003—2004, Belief
Poor, Sally
Postdoctoral Fellows; 1999—2000, Human Nature
Prasad, Mahendra
Undergraduate Fellows; 2002—2003, The Book
Primiano, Leonard Norman
Regional Fellows; 2014—2015, Color
Propert, Zachary
Undergraduate Fellows; 2011—2012, Adaptations
Pruner, J. Alexandra
Undergraduate Fellows; 2001—2002, Time
Pryor, Jaclyn
Regional Fellows; 2020—2021, Choice
Puglionesi, Alicia
Undergraduate Fellows; 2007—2008, Origins
Qais Munhazim, Ahmad
Regional Fellows; 2023—2024, Revolution
Qi, Sophie
Undergraduate Fellows; 2022—2023, Heritage
Rajani, Shayan
Postdoctoral Fellows; 2020—2021, Choice
Ramsey, Kate
Postdoctoral Fellows; 2003—2004, Belief
Rand, L. Ruth
Doctoral Fellows; 2012—2013, Peripheries
Randhawa, Avneet
Undergraduate Fellows; 2020—2021, Choice
Ransom, Lynn
Postdoctoral Fellows; 2005—2006, Word & Image
Raphael, Dana
Undergraduate Fellows; 2021—2022, Migration
Raposa, Elizabeth B.
Undergraduate Fellows; 2008—2009, Change
Rappoport, Jill
Regional Fellows; 2007—2008, Origins
Raskeviciute, Vita
Undergraduate Fellows; 2022—2023, Heritage
Rawat, Ramnarayan S.
Regional Fellows; 2018—2019, Stuff
Ray, Meredith
Regional Fellows; 2008—2009, Change
Ray, Sara
Doctoral Fellows; 2017—2018, Afterlives
Raynsford, Anthony
Postdoctoral Fellows; 2007—2008, Origins
Reber, Dierdra
Reddy, Sheshalatha
Regional Fellows; 2014—2015, Color
Redrobe, Karen
Redrobe, Karen
Penn Faculty Fellows; 2011—2012, Adaptations
Redrobe, Karen
Director; 2013—2014 (Acting)
Redrobe, Karen
Director; 2018—2021
Redrobe, Karen
Penn Faculty Fellows; 2005—2006, Word & Image
Redrobe, Karen
Reed, Annette Yoshiko
Penn Faculty Fellows; 2009—2010, Connections
Rehding, Alexander
Postdoctoral Fellows; 2000—2001, Style
Reihman, Gregory M.
Regional Fellows; 2004—2005, Sleep and Dreams
Reilly, Patricia L.
Regional Fellows; 2005—2006, Word & Image
Reinecke, David
Undergraduate Fellows; 2007—2008, Origins
Reinecke, David M.
Undergraduate Fellows; 2008—2009, Change
Reiss, Jennifer
Doctoral Fellows; 2024—2025, Keywords
Reitz, Landon
Undergraduate Fellows; 2010—2011, Virtuality
Remnick, Alexander
Undergraduate Fellows; 2011—2012, Adaptations
Revuluri, Sindhumathi K.
Postdoctoral Fellows; 2009—2010, Connections
Reynolds, Melissa
Postdoctoral Fellows; 2023—2024, Revolution
Reynolds, Rachel
Regional Fellows; 2019—2020, Kinship
Rich, Kelly
Doctoral Fellows; 2013—2014, Violence
Richter, Simon
Penn Faculty Fellows; 2017—2018, Afterlives
Richter, Simon
Penn Faculty Fellows; 2006—2007, Travel
Rider, Alexis
Associate Scholars; 2020—2021, Choice
Rider, Alexis
Riggan, Jennifer
Regional Fellows; 2020—2021, Choice
Rimoch, David
Undergraduate Fellows; 2007—2008, Origins
Ristvet, Lauren
Penn Faculty Fellows; 2012—2013, Peripheries
Rivera, Gina
Postdoctoral Fellows; 2014—2015, Color
Robb, Megan
Penn Faculty Fellows; 2021—2022, Migration
Robcis, Camille
Postdoctoral Fellows; 2007—2008, Origins
Roche, Curtis
Undergraduate Fellows; 2007—2008, Origins
Rockhill, Gabriel
Regional Fellows; 2013—2014, Violence
Rodriguez, Amanda
Undergraduate Fellows; 2024—2025, Keywords
Romanchuk, Robert L.
Postdoctoral Fellows; 2002—2003, The Book
Romanick, Debra
Regional Fellows; 1999—2000, Human Nature
Romero, Jose
Undergraduate Fellows; 2014—2015, Color
Rommen, Timothy
Rommen, Timothy
Rommen, Timothy
Penn Faculty Fellows; 2003—2004, Belief
Rommen, Timothy
Rommen, Timothy
Penn Faculty Fellows; 2006—2007, Travel
Rommen, Timothy
Penn Faculty Fellows; 2012—2013, Peripheries
Rosen, Ralph
Penn Faculty Fellows; 2007—2008, Origins
Rosenblatt, Naomi R.
Undergraduate Fellows; 2008—2009, Change
Rosenfeld, Sophia
Penn Faculty Fellows; 2018—2019, Stuff
Rosenfeld, Sophia
Rosenthal, Saul
Associate Scholars; 2011—2012, Adaptations
Rosenthal, Saul
Associate Scholars; 2010—2011, Virtuality
Ross, Daniel
Undergraduate Fellows; 2008—2009, Change
Rowen Barton, Juliana
Rubin, Lane Raffaldini
Undergraduate Fellows; 2012—2013, Peripheries
Rudolph, Julia
Postdoctoral Fellows; 2001—2002, Time
Runstedtler, Theresa
Postdoctoral Fellows; 2011—2012, Adaptations
Rusonis, Shana
Undergraduate Fellows; 2010—2011, Virtuality
Rutigliano, Olivia
Undergraduate Fellows; 2013—2014, Violence
Rutigliano, Olivia
Undergraduate Fellows; 2012—2013, Peripheries
Ruvoldt, Maria
Postdoctoral Fellows; 2004—2005, Sleep and Dreams
Ryan, James
Doctoral Fellows; 2013—2014, Violence
Rydel, Courtney
Doctoral Fellows; 2011—2012, Adaptations
Safier, Neil
Postdoctoral Fellows; 2006—2007, Travel
Salazar, James B.
Regional Fellows; 2009—2010, Connections
Salguero, Pierce
Regional Fellows; 2011—2012, Adaptations
Saltzman, Megan
Regional Fellows; 2018—2019, Stuff
Samuel, Jamuna
Associate Scholars; 2015—2016, Sex
Samuel, Jamuna
Associate Scholars; 2014—2015, Color
Samuel, Petal
Undergraduate Fellows; 2010—2011, Virtuality
Samuels, David W.
Postdoctoral Fellows; 2000—2001, Style