Wolf Humanities Center Alumni Society
Brent, Liana
Postdoctoral Fellows; 2019—2020, Kinship
Brilmyer, S. Pearl
Penn Faculty Fellows; 2017—2018, Afterlives
Brisbon, Abby E.
Undergraduate Fellows; 2008—2009, Change
Brisman, Shira
Penn Faculty Fellows; 2020—2021, Choice
Brock, Ashley
Penn Faculty Fellows; 2020—2021, Choice
Brooks-Conrad, Allison
Doctoral Fellows; 2023—2024, Revolution
Brown, Judith
Postdoctoral Fellows; 2007—2008, Origins
Brown, Julie
Undergraduate Fellows; 2004—2005, Sleep and Dreams
Bubbers, Lisa
Undergraduate Fellows; 2005—2006, Word & Image
Bullock, Sharese C.
Undergraduate Fellows; 1999—2000, Human Nature
Burek, Jacqueline
Doctoral Fellows; 2016—2017, Translation
Buren, Benjamin van
Undergraduate Fellows; 2009—2010, Connections
Busch, Katherine
Undergraduate Fellows; 2021—2022, Migration
Bush, Christina
Postdoctoral Fellows; 2018—2019, Stuff
Butler, Shane
Penn Faculty Fellows; 2002—2003, The Book
Butner, Davis
Undergraduate Fellows; 2013—2014, Violence
Cabrera, Juan
Undergraduate Fellows; 2014—2015, Color
Cabrera, Juan
Undergraduate Fellows; 2016—2017, Translation
Cadwallader, Rive
Undergraduate Fellows; 2017—2018, Afterlives
Cahill, Molly G.
Undergraduate Fellows; 2004—2005, Sleep and Dreams
Caliahan, Leslie Dawn
Penn Faculty Fellows; 2003—2004, Belief
Callaghan, Gregory
Doctoral Fellows; 2019—2020, Kinship
Campbell , Catherine
Undergraduate Fellows; 2019—2020, Kinship
Campos, Edmund
Regional Fellows; 2006—2007, Travel
Cantor, Sharon
Undergraduate Fellows; 2006—2007, Travel
Caputo, Nina
Postdoctoral Fellows; 2001—2002, Time
Carballido Murcio, Sergio Emilio
Undergraduate Fellows; 2023—2024, Revolution
Careyva, Jeffrey
Undergraduate Fellows; 2017—2018, Afterlives
Carmody, Todd
Doctoral Fellows; 2009—2010, Connections
Carrington, André M.
Regional Fellows; 2016—2017, Translation
Carruthers, Andrew
Penn Faculty Fellows; 2021—2022, Migration
Catalano, Janine
Undergraduate Fellows; 2005—2006, Word & Image
Cavanaugh, Cecelia
Regional Fellows; 1999—2000, Human Nature
Cavitch, Max
Penn Faculty Fellows; 2001—2002, Time
Cavitch, Max
Cavoulacos, Sophie
Undergraduate Fellows; 2009—2010, Connections
Ceballos, Lindsay
Regional Fellows; 2022—2023, Heritage
Cedillo, Gerardo
Undergraduate Fellows; 2016—2017, Translation
Celis, Rodolfo
Regional Fellows; 2000—2001, Style
Cerami, Lisa
Postdoctoral Fellows; 2011—2012, Adaptations
Cerulli, Mary Lindsay
Undergraduate Fellows; 2016—2017, Translation
Chan, Ezra
Undergraduate Fellows; 2022—2023, Heritage
Chance, Linda
Penn Faculty Fellows; 2011—2012, Adaptations
Chang, Maggie
Undergraduate Fellows; 2005—2006, Word & Image
Channen Caldwell, Mary
Penn Faculty Fellows; 2022—2023, Heritage
Chatterjee, Paroma
Postdoctoral Fellows; 2008—2009, Change
Chau, Yuen Kit (Jacky)
Undergraduate Fellows; 2008—2009, Change
Chaudhry, Faisal
Associate Scholars; 2014—2015, Color
Chávez, Josué
Associate Scholars; 2023—2024, Revolution
Checa-Gismero, Paloma
Regional Fellows; 2023—2024, Revolution
Chen, Cecily (Yujiao)
Undergraduate Fellows; 2019—2020, Kinship
Chen, Li
Undergraduate Fellows; 2007—2008, Origins
Chen, Sally
Undergraduate Fellows; 2020—2021, Choice
Cheng, Hsiao-wen
Penn Faculty Fellows; 2015—2016, Sex
Childers, Kristen Stromberg
Penn Faculty Fellows; 2008—2009, Change
Chow, Clara W.
Undergraduate Fellows; 2004—2005, Sleep and Dreams
Christian, Aymar Jean
Doctoral Fellows; 2009—2010, Connections
Chun, Seyoon
Undergraduate Fellows; 2024—2025, Keywords
Chung, Seung Hyun
Undergraduate Fellows; 2017—2018, Afterlives
Cillerai, Chiara
Postdoctoral Fellows; 2009—2010, Connections
Cimini, Amy
Associate Scholars; 2012—2013, Peripheries
Cimini, Amy
Associate Scholars; 2011—2012, Adaptations
Clayton, Mitchell A.
Undergraduate Fellows; 2001—2002, Time
Cogdell, Christina
Postdoctoral Fellows; 2008—2009, Change
Cohen, Ilana
Undergraduate Fellows; 2010—2011, Virtuality
Cohen, Jeremy
Undergraduate Fellows; 2015—2016, Sex
Cohen, Rachel
Undergraduate Fellows; 2010—2011, Virtuality
Coles, Olive
Undergraduate Fellows; 2022—2023, Heritage
Collins, Molly
Undergraduate Fellows; 2003—2004, Belief
Comenos, Janet
Undergraduate Fellows; 2007—2008, Origins
Conn, Peter
Connell, Alyssa
Doctoral Fellows; 2011—2012, Adaptations
Connolly, Kevin
Postdoctoral Fellows; 2014—2015, Color
Consolati, Claudia
Doctoral Fellows; 2011—2012, Adaptations
Conway, Jennifer
Conway, Suzanne
Regional Fellows; 2000—2001, Style
Cooper, Abigail
Doctoral Fellows; 2012—2013, Peripheries
Cooper, Gregory
Undergraduate Fellows; 2002—2003, The Book
Coover, Roderick
Regional Fellows; 2005—2006, Word & Image
Costache, Ioanida
Postdoctoral Fellows; 2022—2023, Heritage
Cotzias, Antonios
Undergraduate Fellows; 2013—2014, Violence
Cotzias, Antonios
Undergraduate Fellows; 2014—2015, Color
Couenhoven, Jesse
Regional Fellows; 2007—2008, Origins
Cracolici, Stefano
Penn Faculty Fellows; 2004—2005, Sleep and Dreams
Crane, Johanna T.
Postdoctoral Fellows; 2009—2010, Connections
Croom, Adam
Undergraduate Fellows; 2011—2012, Adaptations
Cruess, Dean
Penn Faculty Fellows; 2004—2005, Sleep and Dreams
Currarino, Rosanne
Postdoctoral Fellows; 2001—2002, Time
Curtiss, Megan
Undergraduate Fellows; 2006—2007, Travel
CuUnjieng, Nicole E.
Undergraduate Fellows; 2008—2009, Change
Daiya, Kavita
Regional Fellows; 2012—2013, Peripheries
Daiya, Kavita
Regional Fellows; 2014—2015, Color
Damon, Cynthia
Penn Faculty Fellows; 2009—2010, Connections
Daoust, Louise
Doctoral Fellows; 2014—2015, Color
Dapena, Xavier
Doctoral Fellows; 2019—2020, Kinship
Dasgupta, Ishani
Associate Scholars; 2021—2022, Migration
Dasgupta, Ishani
DaSilva, Maria Kiamesso
Davidson, Leah
Undergraduate Fellows; 2014—2015, Color
Davis, Beandrea
Undergraduate Fellows; 2002—2003, The Book