Color Matters

March 27, 2015 (Friday) / 9:00 am3:30 pm

Kislak Center, 6th floor, Van Pelt Library

Color Matters

Undergraduate Humanities Forum Research Conference


9:00–9:30a | Breakfast and registration

9:30–9:45a | Opening Remarks
Timothy Rommen, Faculty Advisor, UHF; Professor of Music and Africana Studies
Leah Davidson, Chair and Mellon Research Fellow, UHF

9:45–11:00a | TRANSMISSIONS
Moderator: Ann Kuttner, Associate Professor of History of Art

Juan Cabrera, CAS, 2017; Linguistics
(De)colonizing Representations: Influence of 20th Century Indigenous/Indigenist Art in Ecuador, Peru, and Mexico

Leah Davidson, Wharton, 2016; Management and Global Innovation
The Colors of Environmental Art: A Study of Psychology and Activism

Abrina Hyatt, CAS, 2015; English
Finding God in Oneself & For Colored Girls: A Revolutionary Performance of Language, Naming & Spacing

Kimberly Schreiber, CAS, 2015; Comparative Literature
Documenting Disremembrance: Histories of Loss in Contemporary Chinese Representation

11:05a–12:20p | SATURATIONS
Moderator: Jim Sykes, Assistant Professor of Music

Anwar Akrouk, CAS, 2015; History
The Last Jihad: Arab Nationalism, the Fall of the Ottoman Empire, and Minorities

Danielle Kerker, CAS, 2015; History
"The Implacable Surge of History": Investigating Jewish Activism in Atlanta During the Civil Rights Movement

Abigail Koffler, CAS, 2015; History
'He too has a right to be educated': Inclusion and Identity in Ecuador's Indigenous Movement, 1927-2009

Kimberly Kolor, CAS, 2015; Religious Studies, South Asia Studies
Color-coding the Margins: Personal & Public Beautification and Community Identity in Eastern Sri Lanka

12:30–1:30p | Lunch

1:45–3:00p | DIFFRACTIONS
Moderator: John L. Jackson, Jr., Dean, School of Social Policy & Practice; Richard Perry University Professor; Penn Integrates Knowledge (PIK) Professor

Jose Romero, CAS, 2015; Anthropology
Sensing Inhumanity: Brownness at the Limits of the Political in Washington

Brendan Van Gorder
, CAS, 2015; Political Science, Sociology
How Sight Creates Prejudice: The Marketing and Protesting of Brazil's 11:05 World Cup

Melanie White, CAS, 2015; Cultural Anthroplogy
As Long as You're a Black Wo/man You're an African: Creole Diasporic Politics in the Age of Mestizo Nationalism

3:00–3:30p | CLOSING REMARKS
Kimberly Kolor and Jose Romero, Steering Committee and Mellon Research Fellows, UHF