Penn Faculty Fellows
Rita Barnard
Professor of English and Comparative Literature
Project: Over the (Rainbow) Nation: South African Writing, World Literature, and Globalization
David Barnes
Associate Professor of History & Sociology of Science and Director, Health & Societies Program
Project: Purgatory-on-Delaware: Life and Death on the Margins at Philadelphia's Lazaretto
Eric Jaronsinski
Assistant Professor of German
Project: Peripheral Revision: Reading Radio, Re-Reading Modernity
Lauren Ristvet
Assistant Professor of Anthropology
Project: On the Edge of Empire: Local Identities and Imperial Resistance in Naxçıvan, Azerbaijan
Timothy Rommen
Associate Professor of Music
Project: "Antillais sans Frontieres": Sounding the Possibilities of a Borderless Caribbean Through Dominica's Creole Musics
David Wallace
Judith Rodin Professor of English
Project: Europe: Peripheries and Heartlands, Beginnings and Ends