A Conference by the Undergraduate Fellows of the Penn Humanities Forum
9:00-9:30a | Registration and Breakfast
9:30-9:45a | Opening Remarks
Timothy Rommen, Faculty Advisor, UHF; Professor of Music and Africana Studies
Jeremy Cohen, Chair and Research Fellow, UHF
9:45-11:00a | REGULATIONS
Moderator: Samantha Muka, Lecturer, Critical Writing Program; Instructor, History and Sociology of Science
Helen Hunter, C’16, History (she/her)
Redefining American Motherhood: Emily Mudd's Mission at Home and Abroad
Sarah Engell, C’16, American History, Political Science (she/her)
Replacing Periods with Question Marks: A Study of the Role of Public Education in Kanawha County, West Virginia
Izzy Korostoff, C’18, Urban Studies (he/him)
Ill-Fame on Blackberry Alley: Prostitution in 19th Century Philadelphia
Eileen Wang, C’16, Health and Societies (she/her)
Choice, Control and Childbirth: Cesarean Deliveries on Maternal Request in Shanghai, China
11:05-12:20p | PERFORMANCES
Moderator: Heather K. Love, 2015-16 PHF Topic Director; R. Jean Brownlee Term Associate Professor of English
Gabriel Ojeda-Sague, C’16, English (he/him)
Plague Desires: A Re-reading of HIV/AIDS Politics in Contemporary Gay Pornography
Erich Kessel, C’16, History of Art (he/him)
Black Performance’s Remains in Mapplethorpe’s Black Book
Amalia Lund, C’16, History of Art, Comparative Literature (she/her)
Gallery 404
Hannah Judd, C’17, Music (she/her)
Navigating Gender: Billy Tipton and the Jazz Culture of Masculinity
1:45-2:45p | COMMUNITIES
Moderator: Ann Farnsworth-Alvear, Associate Professor of History
Jeremy Cohen, C’17, Classical Studies (he/him)
Same-Sex Unions in the Politics of Ancient History
Marco Herndon, C’16, Urban Studies, Latin American & Latino Studies (he/him)
Soy Moderno y No Quiero Locas
Xeno Washburne, C’16, English; Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies (he/him or they/them)
Autistic Gender Non-Conformity: Negotiating Narratives of Pathology
2:45-3:00 | Closing Remarks
Helen Hunter and Erich Kessel, Steering Committee and Research Fellows, UHF