Faculty Director

Faculty Director

Undergraduate Humanities Forum

Call for Applications, 2025–2026

Deadline: March 1, 2025

The Wolf Humanities Center solicits applications for the position of Faculty Director of the Undergraduate Humanities Forum. The Undergraduate Humanities Forum (UHF) is a community of the Wolf Humanities Center's undergraduate fellows who meet to discuss and present their research on the Wolf Center's annual topic, pursue various cultural activities of common interest, and occasionally meet in special receptions with the Wolf Humanities Center's distinguished speakers.

The Undergraduate Humanities Forum Director's responsibilities include:

  • Working with the Wolf Humanities Center director to shape the vision of the Undergraduate Humanities Forum
  • Working with the Wolf Humanities Center associate director and the Undergraduate Humanities Forum student co-chairs to plan UHF seminars and theme-related outings 
  • Leading research seminars and meetings with visiting scholars and Penn faculty and staff
  • Leading the planning of the annual Undergraduate Humanities Forum Research Conference
  • Serving on the Wolf fellowship selection committee
  • Serving on the Wolf Humanities Center faculty advisory board

During the 2025-2026 academic year, the Center's research topic is Truth. In-person UHF meetings are typically held in the Humanities Conference Room on Fridays, 2:00–4:00pm, during the academic year. The day-long Undergraduate Humanities Forum Research Conference will be scheduled for a Friday in late March or early April 2026. The UHF Faculty Director is invited to attend the Center's weekly Mellon Research Seminar (Tuesdays, 12–1:30pm), but it is not required.

Applicants must be a tenured associate or full professor in the humanities at Penn. The appointment will initially be for one year beginning July 1, 2025, but is renewable for up to three years total.

The Undergraduate Forum Director may choose one of the following options:

  • $6,000 stipend + one course release
  • $2,000 stipend + two course releases 

Stipends can be paid as salary or added to the faculty director's research fund. Wolf will pay the faculty director's department up to $6500/course (plus EBs) and funds are to be used solely for course replacement during the appointment year. It would be helpful for applicants to discuss the viability of their application with their department chairs and with the director of the Wolf Humanities Center prior to applying. 

Interested facutly are encouraged to contact Wolf Humanities Center director Jamal J. Elias with questions. 

To apply, please send a letter of intent and a C.V. to Wolf Humanities Center associate director Sara Varney by March 1, 2025.


Professor Josephine Park at podium during Undergraduate Humanities Forum Research Conference

Undergraduate Humanities Forum

Previous UHF Directors

Image: 2023-2024 Undergraduate Humanities Forum Director Josephine Park