Deadline: March 17, 2025
The Wolf Humanities Center solicits applications for the position of Topic Director. The Wolf Humanities Center's Topic Director proposes and develops a topic that engages both scholars and community members, and works with the Wolf Humanities Center director to plan a series of multidisciplinary public programs on the theme. The topic director also helps to lead the Center's weekly research seminar composed of the Wolf Humanities Center's Penn and regional faculty fellows, postdoctoral fellows, and doctoral fellows.
The position officially begins July 1, 2026, but the topic director is required to collaborate with the Wolf Humanities Center director a year in advance of the appointment year (i.e. during the 2025-26 academic year) to develop the topic and plan the Center’s public program for 2026-27.
The applicant must be a tenured associate or full professor in the humanities. Priority will be given to applicants from departments and/or programs other than those recently represented by prior directors. A history of involvement in the Center is considered to be important and useful experience for the topic director.
The Topic Director will receive a course reduction and a stipend, which can be taken in the form of salary or research funds. Wolf will pay the topic director's department up to $6500/course (plus EBs) and funds are to be used solely for course replacement during the appointment year. It would be helpful for applicants to discuss the viability of their application with department chairs and with the director of the Wolf Humanities Center prior to applying.
The Topic Director may choose one of the following options:
- $10,000 stipend + one course release (salary or research fund)
- $10,000 stipend + one course release ($5000 salary and $5000 research fund)
- $5000 stipend (salary or research fund) + two course releases
- Proposing and developing the 2026-27 topic
- Planning the Center’s public program in dialogue with the director, and hosting the public events and speaker dinners
- Participating in the weekly research seminar (Tuesdays, 12:00–1:30pm)
- Serving on Wolf's fellowship selection committee for two years (2025–26 and 2026–27)
- Serving on the Wolf Humanities Center faculty advisory board
To Apply
Please send a CV and an application, including the following, as a single PDF to Sara Varney. no later than March 17, 2025.
- Abstract of proposed topic that explains the potential of this topic for enriching interdisciplinary humanities-based research (max. 200 words)
- Please briefly discuss your involvement to date with the Wolf Humanities Center (or Penn Humanities Forum) (max. 50 words)
- Please describe the kinds of presenters you would be interested in including in the series (max. 100 words)
- Please discuss how this theme would encourage partnerships within and beyond Penn, and outreach to diverse communities (max. 150 words)
- Please discuss any ideas you have for alternatives to the traditional lecture format, explaining the advantages of the proposed format (max. 150 words)
- Please note if you have any leave plans during the 1 year term in question, or if you foresee any other logistical challenges or administrative responsibilities (max. 50 words)
We will also consider applications for the 2027–2028 Topic Director position. Please note in your application if you would like to be considered for both academic years.