Colin Lodewick

Wolf Humanities Center Undergraduate Fellow

20172018 Forum on Afterlives

Colin Lodewick


CAS, 2019

Colin is an English major concentrating in Poetry & Poetics and minoring in Hispanic Studies. He is interested in an expansive definition of poetics – one that includes not just literary expression but much more. He is interested in the poetics of mourning and loss, of environmental and biological phenomena, of social behaviors and interactions. He believes in the capability of poetry to project into the future, to comprehend and articulate what would otherwise be inaccessible. His own writing follows these interests quite closely, and a friend once said after reading his poems that he “seems to have an obsession with light.”

“I think heaven is…”: Articulating Community in Elegy of the AIDS Crisis

Elegy is a genre of poetry that deals fundamentally with the question of loss. It is a genre without a fixed form, and thus serves well to encapsulate and comprehend the dynamic emotional processes behind mourning and grief. But how can elegy accommodate loss as an ambient entity, when even the self is in immediate proximity to death? In my project, I seek to look at how during the AIDS crisis in the United States, elegy functioned not only as a memorial of the past, but as a means of affirming community and as a tentative guide for potential futures.