Professor of anthropology and history
Department of South Asia Studies
Lisa Mitchell is Professor of anthropology and history in the Department of South Asia Studies at the University of Pennsylvania. She is the author of Hailing the State: Indian Democracy between Elections (Duke University Press, 2023), and Language, Emotion, and Politics in South India: The Making of a Mother Tongue (Indiana University Press, 2009 and Permanent Black, 2010), which was the recipient of the American Institute of Indian Studies’ Edward Cameron Dimock, Jr. Prize in the Indian Humanities. She is currently working on two new projects, one on The Government Job in India and the second on translations of globally circulating political ideas, provisionally entitled, The Multiple Genealogies of Indian Democracy: Global Intellectual History in Translation. She received her PhD in sociocultural anthropology from Columbia University, and has previously taught history at Queens College (CUNY), Bowdoin College, and the University of Washington, and anthropology at the University of Notre Dame. She has been the recipient of fellowships from the National Endowment for the Humanities, Wenner-Gren Foundation, Fulbright-Nehru and Fulbright-Hays programs, Mellon Foundation, the European Research Council, and the American Institute for Indian Studies, and has been a Visiting Fellow at the University of Cambridge (2014-2015), a Mercator Visiting Fellow in Global Intellectual History at the Freie Universität in Berlin (2018), and a Senior Research Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology in Halle (January-July 2022). In 2020 she was a recipient of the Lindback Award for Distinguished Teaching at the University of Pennsylvania.