Greer Goergen

Wolf Humanities Center Undergraduate Fellow

20242025 Forum on Keywords

Greer Goergen

History of Art, Comparative Literature

CAS, 2025

Greer is a rising senior in the College of Arts and Sciences, studying Art History and Comparative Literature. She is from New York City. Her academic journey has been shaped by an abiding interest in the cultural and historical contexts that give rise to artistic and literary expressions. As intertwined forms of human expression, Greer is interested in interdisciplinary investigations into the relationships between media, culture, and history. Her project was inspired by the class "Portraits of Soviet Society,"  and aims to contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the complexities inherent in collective living environments. Outside of the classroom, Greer plays club soccer, is an editor at t-art magazine, tutors at the Henry Lee Elementary School, and participates in the Undergraduate Art History Advisory Board. She loves spending time with friends, trying new food, and walking around Philadelphia. 

"The Collective": A Study of Memory, Personhood, and Objects in Soviet Union

This research project navigates the intricate dynamics of "The Collective" within Soviet apartment buildings and society, dissecting the interplay between collective memory, history, individualization, and domesticity. Investigating the complications and merging between self and object, the project examines how people negotiated identity within the constraints of Soviet collectivism. By scrutinizing obligatory communal living practices and the organization of work and social identity around “collectives” and collectivism, this project explores the impact of Soviet social organization on personal possessions, autonomy, and individuation. The research critically assesses the relationship between collective living and practices of its formation and maintenance. Finally, I will study the manner in which the Soviet collective became a focus of collective memory in late-Soviet and post-Soviet memory practices. Employing interdisciplinary approaches, the project aims to deepen the understanding of the complexities inherent in Soviet living spaces.