9:00 | Coffee and Registration
9:30 | Welcome
Eugene Narmour
Acting Director, Penn Humanities Forum
Grace Yang
Program Manager, Perspectives in Humanities
9:45 | Session One
Julia Gottlieb, PHF/PiH Research Fellow
"A Sisterhood of One? Exploring the Works of Late Eighteenth Century Women Opera Composers"
Gerianne Kauffman, Spruce College House Fellow
"Miracle As Placebo Effect: Catholicism, Biomedicine and the Realm of Healing"
10:05 | Session Two
Channtal Fleischfresser, PHF/PiH Research Fellow
"Hair Loss, Jelly-Legs, Tongue-Tying and More": An Investigation Into the Phenomenon of Harry Potter
Maya Martin, W.E.B. DuBois College House Fellow
"Women in the Pews, Men in the Pulpit"
10:25 | Session Three
J. Alexandra Pruner, PHF/PiH Residential Fellow
"Colorblind and Carefree: How Hollywood Portrays White Attitudes Towards Black America"
Noah Pink, Goldberg College House Fellow
"International Students: Changing Perceptions of America in the Aftermath of September 11"
10:45 | Coffee Break
11:00 | Session Four
Jennifer Hui Bon Hoa, PHF/PiH Research Fellow
" Exploding the Photographic Moment: On the Temporality of the Long-Exposure"
Sherry Orbach, Hamilton College House Fellow
"False Justice: Cross Cultural Insights into Justifications of Punishment"
11:20 | Session Five
Eileen Weinstein, PHF/PiH Research Fellow
"The Cultural Reorganization of Time: French Revolutionary Calendar and Jacques-Louis David"
Tyler Tassin, King's Court/English College House Fellow
"America's Nuclear Legacy: Hiroshima and Beyond"
11:40 | Session Six
Erin Douglas, Gregory College House Fellow
"The Impact of the American Presidency on the International System"
12:00 | Lunch
1:00 | Session Seven
Ariane Schwartz, Hill College House Fellow
"The Evolution of the Use of the Article from Classical to Vulgar Latin"
1:20 | Session Eight
Nancy Sun, Harrison College House Fellow
"The Royal Mistreatment: Disempowering Cinematic Representations of Queen Elizabeth"
1:40 | Session Nine
Mitchell Clayton, Ware College House Fellow
"Edith Wharton, Lily Bart, and Society Women in Gilded Age New York City"
2:00 | Session Ten
Afia Ofori-Mensa, Harnwell College House Fellow
"'Never Been Home': First-Generation American Identity Through Literature"
2:20 | Reception
3:00 | Film Screening
Winston Pear, Stouffer College House Fellow
"Helper Man 2: Attack of the Clone"
Time Symposium
April 6, 2002 (Saturday) / 9:00 am—5:00 pm
3619 Locust Walk, Philadelphia