This summer the Digital Humanities Forum funded the attendance of eight scholars at various digital humanities institutes around the globe. Join us on October 29th as we hear from Elizabeth Della Zazzera, Chris Jimenez, Fiona Moreno, and Elias Saba as they reflect on how their digital humanities summer training has changed the way they approach their research.
Lunch will be provided. Pre-registration required. Please email us with your name and academic affiliation.
Elizabeth Della Zazzera (History)
Elizabeth Della Zazzera attended the Humanities Intensive Learning and Teaching at the University of Maryland. She will discuss network analysis and visualization, both the theory of network analysis and how to use DH tools to produce and analyze a variety of types of networks. She will also discuss how she uses network analysis in her own research of literary journals in Restoration Paris to create and analyze a social network map of those journals and their producers.
Chris Jimenez (English)
Chris Jimenez attended the Digital Humanities Summer Institute at the University of Victoria. He will discuss Full Spectrum Text Analysis, a computational method that allows for comparing the most frequent words across texts, which can be used to answer questions about authorship attribution and changes in an authors’ writing over time.
Fiona Moreno (French Studies)
Fiona Moreno attended the "Introduction to DH" track offered by the Digital Humanities at Oxford Summer School in the hope that it would provide her with a thorough overview of what is done and could be done in the field. She will go over the specifics of that track, a staple of DHOXSS, that consists in a 5-day survey course featuring a greatly diverse group of experts and corpus of projects all presented in a format tailored to a non-specialist audience.
Elias Saba (Near Eastern Languages & Civilizations)
Elias Saba spent a week at the Digital Humanities Summer Institute at the University of Victoria. He will discuss his introductory programming class where he learned how to extract text from a PDF using general expressions and how to work with the Google Maps API to do geocoding, among other projects.