Publishing for Early Career Faculty and Graduate Students

October 29, 2015 (Thursday) / 12:00 pm1:30 pm

Meyerson Conference Center, 2nd fl, Van Pelt Library

Publishing for Early Career Faculty and Graduate Students

Presented by Penn Libraries

Brigitte Shull

Editorial Director of Editorial and Author Services, Palgrave Macmillan

Early career humanists, if you're wondering about how to navigate today's book publishing world, join us for this talk by Palgrave editorial director Brigitte Shull. She will discuss Palgrave's open-access initiatives, and offer tips on writing a book proposal and revising the dissertation to book.
Brigitte Shull is Editorial Director of Editorial and Author Services at Palgrave Macmillan. She acquires books in the field of literary criticism, with an emphasis on world literatures, poetry and poetics, and gender and literature. She welcomes exciting new projects that will push the list in innovative directions. Shull began her career in publishing with Pearson Education, has a BA in American Politics from the University of Virginia, and a Professional Certificate in Publishing from New York University.