Public Art

November 16, 2005 (Wednesday) / 5:00 pm6:30 pm

Institute of Contemporary Art, 118 South 36th St

Public Art

Jenny Holzer


For over 25 years, Jenny Holzer has made art out of words. Her sculptures, benches, LED displays, and xenon projections have placed provocative messages before the art establishment and the general public alike. Penn’s campus is graced with Ms. Holzer’s 125 Years, a curving walkway with benches and quotations honoring the women of Penn.

We are privileged to hear Ms. Holzer discuss the evolution and scope of her art, from the posters and street works of the late 1970s through her memorials, anti-memorials, projection projects, and architectural interventions. She also will highlight public projects by her contemporaries: Barbara Kruger, Keith Haring, and the artists of Collaborative Projects, the New York-based ensemble of which she was a member.